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It's been a whole year since Grace has been living with Tim and Lucy. They love her and she loves them, Tamara also loves her they love picking on Tim. Life has been going great it's almost Graces 14th birthday this will be the first birthday without her parents, but Grace doesn't really mind cause the never had time for her but Tim and Lucy they always had time. It's also almost time for Lucy and Tim to get married but before they get married, they had one last thing to do can you guess what that thing was.

Grace: Morning Mom, Morning Dad.

Tim: morning kiddo what would you like for breakfast today.

Grace: um a fruit bowl please, oh and no strawberries or

*Tim cuts her off* Or blueberries I accidentally gave it to you one time Tim said

   Grace: Mom would never forget.

Lucy: Ha and morning to you too *kisses Grace on her forehead*

Tim: WOW, I'm always getting attacked.

Grace: Mom instead of going to schools do you think i could spend the day with you pleassssseeeee.

Lucy: Yeah, sure that won't be a problem.

Tim: Here you go, eat then go put your shoes on so we can leave.

Lucy: where's my food???

Grace: oooo Dad you're in trouble.

Tim: Hush, and its right here bb* hands here a fruit bowl*

After breakfast was done it was time to leave so Lucy called Grace down so they could leave. After 25 mins they reach the station and Grace is always happy to go there when they enter Lucy and Grace go to her desk while Tim heads to his office. Lucy and Grace get to her desk and Angela sees them and goes over.

Angela: Hey guys!!!

Grace: Hey Auntie Angela

Angela: I still love when you call me that.

Lucy: Hey Angie

Angela: So, what brings Miss Grace here today.

Lucy: I have no idea she begged me to let her tag along today.

Grace: I wanted to come today because I have to write a report on a career, and I chose police.

Angela: aww really that is amazing.

* Nyla saw them and came over*

Nyla: Hey guys

Grace: hi Auntie Nyla

Nyla: I love when you call me that.

Angela: I know right.

Nyla: so what brings you here

Lucy: She has a report for school.

Nyla: you chose here how cute

Angela: I know right.

Lucy: Alright Grace stay here we are going to roll call don't touch anything ok ill be right back.

Grace: K mom

After 10 mins roll call was over and lucy was heading back to her desk when she noticed that Grace wasn't there, she was kind of worried but not much. when she got to her desk Tim came over, but he didn't see Grace.

Tim: Hey babe where's Grace??

Lucy: Um I actually don't know she might of just went to get some snacks.

Tim: ok see you later Love You

Lucy: love you too. 

after 5 mins went bye Lucy started to get worried but then she heard a laugh it was Grace she was in Greys office. Lucy got up from her desk and made her way to greys office.

Grey: Ok that was Funny 

Grace: I know right It happens everyday

*Lucy knocked on grey's door*

Lucy: There you are where did you go, I said don't go anywhere.

Grace: sorry mom I got bored and walked around taking note then I saw Uncle Grey and I went over to ask him some questions for the report.

Lucy: Yeah, that fine but next time just tell me OK.

Grace: ok but can I finish asking some people questions please.

Lucy: yeah, that's fine when your done your dad needs you for something ok.

Grace: ok, bye Uncle Grey

Grey: ha-ha Bye

Grey: you have a good one in your hands also a very funny one.

Lucy: I know see you later Grey.

Grey: bye lucy

*4 hours later*

Grace: Hey dad, mom said you needed me for something???

Tim: No, I don't think so.

Grace: really??

Tim: Oh, wait how is your report going??

Grace: good but when I got to Smitty it went down hill

 Tim: yeah, he tends to do that. what did you ask him.

Grace: Why did he become a police officer.

Tim: and what did he say.

Grace: he said for the cool badge

Tim: HAHA. well, you can finish in here while we wait on mom ok kiddo.

Grace: yeah, that's fine.

Shift finally ended and Lucy was headed to Tims office before she was stopped by Smitty.

Smitty: Chen

Lucy: Smitty

Smitty: That child of youres is a whole mood she made me rethink somethings.

Lucy: yeah, like what * she was trying so hard not to laugh*

Smitty: She asked me why I became a police officer, and I told her for the badge, and she told me come on Smitty you became an officer for a reason, and she gave me a whole quote that made me rethink my life tell her thank you for me ok Chen.

Lucy: yeah, I will.

Lucy enters Tims office to see Grace sleeping on the couch and Tim sitting at his desk reading something.

Lucy: what are you reading hon??

Tim: Graces notes on today.

Lucy: Let me see. 

Tim: She wrote a whole page on you luce.

Lucy: you jealous.

Tim: no, I'm not I'm just shocked look.


Chapter 2 Lucy Chen (mommy)

today I saw why my mom wanted to be an officer not just to do something her parents don't want her to she became an officer to help, protect, and save life's. My mom is the whole reason why I want to be an officer. 1 year ago, I was a girl that was so scared to do something my parents did not want me to do but one day all that wait just left but also came grief. That police officer that found me and made me feel safe was my new mom, Officer Chen. I just know that she was the whole reason why I should follow my heart and my path not the path that my parents made me take so I want to thank my wonderful mom for showing me what it's like to step away from the path that people make you take and learn to take your own path.

Tim: Luce are you crying.

Lucy: Yes, I am this is so sweet.

*Grace woke up*

Grace: what's sweet

Tim: um nothing, put your coat on we are about to leave ok.

Grace: ok

Lucy: thank you bb.

Tim: No Problem.


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