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Tim: alright all packed up ready to go Grace.

Grace: Yeah.

Lucy: alright lets go home.

* IN the car on the way home* * Grace was listening to music*

Lucy: Grace. 

Grace: ......

Lucy: GRACE!!!

Grace: Yes, sorry.

Lucy: So, we have some news.

Grace: I already know.

Lucy: you do???

Grace: Yes

Lucy: what is then.

Grace: your pregnant

Tim: how did you know.

Grace: I saw the test in your drawer while I was looking for a shirt to wear.

Lucy: anyway. are you excited?

Grace: yeah. sure.

Tim: you don't sound excited.

Grace: I am. A little sibling to blame things on.

Lucy: you're not doing that.

Grace & Tim: Sure

Grace: Did you tell Tamara yet??

Lucy: we were going to tell you guy together, but we couldn't wait.

Grace: ok.

Lucy: Tamara were home.

Tamara: Hey guys.

Grace: Mom's pregnant 

Lucy & Tim: GRACE!!!

Tamara: Congrats guys

Grace: what I was getting tired of this whole wait for the right moment thing.

Tamara: Het grace I'm going out you want to come.

Grace: Sure, where is it

Tamara: I'm just going to a restaurant with some friends. 

Grace: Sure

Tamara: Alright we leave in like 20 minutes.

* 20 minutes*

Lucy: alright guys have fun.

Grace: yeah.

Tamara: we will.

Tim: do you know the gender yet??

Lucy: what do you think Tim.

Tim: I'm guess no.....

Lucy: I don't I don't even know how far along I am.

Tim: well, I think you should make an appointment. 

Lucy: your right I should. I'm going to do that right now.

*The next day*

Grace: Morning guys.

Lucy: You made breakfast.

Grace: Yeah, is that bad??

Lucy: No, no I'm just shocked that you aren't hiding in your room,

Grace: Yeah, someone wise said something to me last night that helped me out.

Lucy: what did they say.

Grace: It's better to let people in then not because it's only going to hurt you more if you continue shutting them out.

Tim: who told you that??

Tamara: MEEEE.

Lucy: wow.

Tamara: What I can say smart thing's.

Tim: Sometimes.

Tamara: Tim that is why I put lipstick on you when your sleeping.

Tim: Huh, WHAT!!


Tim: ha-ha so funny....

New Life (The Rookie) CHENFORDWhere stories live. Discover now