Taken Pt 3

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Lucy realized that they only had 2 hours left and time was going by fast but finally they had a suspect since they couldn't get to talk to the grandmother her lawyer was very strong on everything the suspect was Jack and he was willing to comply he didn't want to go to prison.

Angela: Lucy, Tim we got somebody, and he is willing to comply.

Lucy: Thats great lets go.

Angela: Lucy

Lucy: Yes

Lucy: Fine Tim too

Angela: alright I'm going to go in, and you can go on the other side ok

Lucy: ok

* Angela enters the room to go and talk to Jack*

Angela: ok Mr. Daiz what do you know about miss Bradford Grace

Jack: ok before I tell you I will need protection ok that women who has her is crazy.

Angela: OK is that all.

Jack: Here what I know but where do you want me to start.

Angela: From the beginning.

Jack: Ok it was like 3 in the morning and chole told me and my partner that we had a job to do oh my partners name is Bob Sanders. ok let's continue when I get to the address, she gave me all she said was find a little girl she's my grandchild and those people have her. I thought that was not right that they have her but I didn't know about what was going to happen next she told Bob to open the doors so he picked the lock and we got in we looked around and she said go upstairs and find her so we went upstairs and went in the first room I saw that it was a little girls room so I told Bob to look in the closet he found her and she was trying to scream so he put his hand over her mouth but accidentally dropped her which made her hit her head on the floor and bleed so I said lets go and we went downstairs and left. 

Angela: Is that all what about what happened after that.

Jack: Well, we drove to this run-down house and when we went in chole said tie her to the bed and wait for her to wake up then we call the people who take her in and demand the code for some kind of safe full of like 3 billion dollars and she said that she would give us both 4 million if we helped her so I was down. But that all I know until she sent me to the store to buy stuff.

Angela: Thank you, Mr. Daiz we will have protection detail, with you when we catch her oh and do you know where this house is???

Jack: UM yeah, I have the address on my phone, here.

* Jack gives Angela the address and then she left the room to go talk to Lucy, and Tim.*

Lucy: Come on we have the address lets go get this bitch!!!!

Angela: Lucy, no we can't we have to wait.

Lucy: wait why that crazy woman was crazy enough to kill her own child what makes you think she won't kill Grace.

Angela: I know lucy, but we have to wait for her to call Jack.

Lucy: What is this was your child what would you do Angela??

Tim: Lucy how about we go on a walk to cool down.

Lucy: Tim how can you be so calm that is our child out there alone and scared.

Tim: I know I'm scared to, but we have to be brave for her ok luce.

Lucy: Ok I'll go on that walk lets go. 

After about 15 mins Jacks phone rings and everyone heads to the room where jack was so he could answer the phone.

Jack: Hello

Caller: Where are you its been an hour

Jack: traffic I had to go to 3 different stores 

Caller: alright but you need to hurry up and get here that money is ticking jack

Jack: ok

* The call ends*

Angela goes out and heads to greys office to tell him the plan on hoe they were going to get Grace back. after she tells grey, she goes into the bullpen to tell everyone else that was helping in the case. they all got geared up and went out to go and save grace.


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