Taken Pt 4

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When They all got geared up Lucy got a phone call from the same unknown number so she answered it.

Lucy: Hello????

Caller: Hi

Lucy: Who's this???

Caller: Don't you worry about that 4 hours are up.

Lucy: No, we still have 40 minutes left.

Caller: oh yeah you do, do you have the code???

Lucy: Um yeah, I think I do. 

Caller: Great.

* Call ended*

Lucy: HELLO, HELLO????

Tim: Its ok well get them bb.

Lucy: Guys we have no more time let's go!!!

Nyla: Yall heard the lady move ya'll asses.

When Grace heard that Tim and Lucy had the code, she couldn't be mad or happy she just knew that she would be safe. But that's what she thought before something bad had happen to her.

Chole: Well, it seems our time together is up sweetie.

As Lucy and the other cops show up, they hear gun shot. Lucy looks at Tim and she didn't even think she just ran up to the house and saw grace on the floor with a gunshot wound to the stomach Lucy shouted, "LAPD put the gun down." while she was trying not to busted down into tears Chole pointed the gun toward her and was about to shit but Tim shot her first. When she saw Choles body she ran over to Grace who was not moving.


Tim: 7 ADAM 100 we need multiple RA'S to my location we have to gunshot victims.

Tim looked over to see that Lucy was staying strong for Grace and deep down he knew that she was breaking down.

Lucy: Tim, she stopped breathing I'm going to do CPR.

Angela and Nyla stood there in shock not knowing wat to do. Finally, RA showed up and saw that Lucy was doing CPR on Grace so they took over and when they took her Lucy couldn't talk to anyone she just left with RA and blood all over her. On the way to the hospital Grace lost her pulse and went into V-TECH so they had to shock her back. At that moment all Lucy could think was how Grace would've been so scared when she got and how she wasn't there to stop it. When they reached the hospital RA had told the doctors what had happen Lucy tried to go with them, but they wouldn't let her when she was about to fall in pain for her child Tim had got her and told her that everything was going to be ok cause is a strong person. The doctors had said that they found no exit wound from the bullet, so they had to do surgery to take out the bullet and save Grace.

Grey, Nyla, Angela, Celina, Aaron, Nolan, and Tamara came to the hospital to see if Grace was ok when they came, they saw that Tim was just holding Lucy as she was breaking down.

Tamara: what happen???

Lucy: That crazy bitch shot her that what happen * with tears in her eyes*

Tamara: What Nyla, you didn't tell me that all you said was Grace in the hospital and we needed to go and see her why you didn't tell me that!!!

Nyla: sorry I was saving you the trouble. anyway, what's the news??

Tim: They take her to surgery because they didn't find an exit wound from the bullet.

Nyla: alright well wait here with you guys.

Tamara: Lucy, do you want me to go and get you and Tim some change of clothes??

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