Taken Pt 2

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After that call they all went up to Graces room trying to find the code and they only had 4 hours and Tim, and Lucy knew that Grace liked to write so they knew they would of never find it. 1 hour later they still had nothing they didn't know what the code would look like and what the cod was. They were about to give up before Lucy got a call from an unknown number.


Lucy: Grace honey are you ok are you hurt???

Caller: MOM, Purple

Lucy: Purple what???

Caller: 2376

Lucy: Hun what are those numbers.


* The caller hung up*

Lucy: NOOOOOOO Please!!!

Tim: Its ok what did she say??

Lucy: Ok she said purple and some numbers.

Nyla: Ok that could mean a notebook or something.

Angela: And what numbers did she say???

Lucy: Um 2376

Tim: wait I know those numbers.

Nyla: You do???

Tim: yeah, those are Beyonce numbers. 

Angela: HUH?????

Tim: OK so 2 is single ladies, 3 is crazy in love, 7 is Beyonce and 6 is Beyonce the album.

Lucy: How do you know this???

Tim: When Grace and Tamara were putting make up on me while you had to work late.

Nyla: ok now we have to put all those clues together.

Angela: wait we have her phone right??

Lucy: yeah why??

Angela: that could be the code to her phone.

Lucy: No that's not the code the code is 0000.

Nyla: Ok unlock it.

*They unlock it and go to Notes and the find a folder labeled Purple and they clicked on it but it was lock they tried the 0000 but it was still locked so they tried the code that Grace gave them it worked. They saw a lot of things but what catches their eye was a picture with a password on it said WolfGrace34. They got it they had the code Tim was about to call back the caller before Lucy got another from an unknown caller. *

Lucy: Hello??

Caller: MOM whatever you do don't give them the code

Lucy: Huh why??

Caller: Thats code is the reason why my parents are dead

Lucy: I still don't understand??

Caller: Don't.... Give... It.... to... them.... AHHHHHHH!!!


Tim: What happen.

Lucy: She said don't give the code to them, but I don't know who them is.  

Angela: Guys we need to head down to the station now.

Lucy, Tim, Nyla, and Angela head back to the station. Grace is fighting for her life.

Grace: IM sorry I won't call them again I promise.

Chole: Well, I don't believe you * she smacks Grace really hard on the side of her face*

Grace: Ow!!!!

Chole: Jack, get over here now.

Jack: yes mam.

Chole: I need you to run some errands for me ok.

Jack: yes mam, those errands are??

Chole: I need you to go and buy Bleach, Trash bags, and some candles ok Birthday candles.

Jack: Yes Mam.

Chole: Great now leave NOW!!!!

Grace: Nana please I don't want to die.

Chloe: Oh no baby you're not going to die. 

Grace: really???

Chole: well not right now at least you still have well 3 hours left.

Grace: Please, um what if I know the code

Chole: well, it seems to me that you were lying earlier huh.

Grace: yeah, sorry I was just scared 

Chole: why be scared I'm nana why are you scared of nana.

*Grace has a flashback of her and her parents (not Tim and Lucy) *


Samantha: Grace, listen to me ok when nana get here, you'll say hi and head to your room ok

Grace: Why???

Samantha: Because I said so and I'm your mother.

John: Sam, let her stay 

Samantha: John.

John: what

Grace: oooo dad you're in trouble

John: Pumpkin I know. Babe how about this I will take grace on a walk around the house while you wait on your mother then we will come inside grace will go to the living room and we can go to the brunch room to talk to your mother ok how does that sound.??

Samantha: Fine

Grace: Yay a walk with dad.

Flashback ends

*Those were the last happy memories Grace had with her parents. *

While Grace was trying to talk her grandmother into not killing her Lucy was putting pieces together so she could save her child. 


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