Chapter Ten

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The silence between the odd pair was growing increasingly awkward. A word hadn't been spoken from either BranChan or Turtles. The big oaf's silence was a mix of shame and post-nut clarity while the poor turtle was left in absolute shock.

BranChan had debated on leaving the little turtle behind after the indecent incident, too embarrassed to even look the creature in its tiny, horrified eyes. With shaky hands he managed to capture the now frozen, slowly crusting fellow and place him on his shoulder. Turtles was out of objections at this point, opting to stay still on his new perch as the sun caked the gravy on his once pristine shell.

Their journey continued, the flowers now drooping. BranChan cleared his throat and opened his mouth to say something. He thought that this would be the perfect time to explain to his new companion that it was an accident but the words wouldn't escape his lips. He decided against speaking and focused on what was ahead, hoping that the strange, far away creature would make things better. The silence grew heavier with each passing second until Turtles broke it first.

"What the everloving fuck was that?"

The big oaf jumped from the sudden question, nearly losing his footing. He had been asking himself the same question since it happened. "I d-d-dont know," he managed to stutter, "I swear, I'm not like a furry or anything."

"I don't have fur," the turtle retorted.

"A shelly then?" BranChan joked, hoping to ease the tension. Turtles scoffed in response, causing more shame to flow through BranChan.

They were approaching a river. This could be the oaf's chance for a small amount of redemption, though he wasn't sure if it would be enough. When he reached the flowing stream he knelt down, his shorts riding up his crack, and lifted the turtle from his shoulder. He began to bathe the creature in the sparkling water, using his fingernail to scrape off pieces of dried batter. Turtles stayed silent through this, though secretly grateful as the putrid man juice and ass sweat washed away with the current.

"I'm sor-" BranChan started.

"We don't have to talk about it anymore," the turtle replied. The sooner he got the memory out of his mind the better. "Where are we going anyway?" he chose to change the subject. The big oaf's shoulders relaxed at the question as he launched into the details of his quest and the strange creature. Turtles listened intently, intrigued at the existence of another being like him. Despite the disturbing circumstances of their trip together, he found himself growing excited at the prospect of meeting this creature. "If I complete this quest," BranChan continued excitedly, "the creature will grant me one wish."

"Wishes you say?" an unfamiliar voice spoke from the shadows of the nearby trees. The duo shot an uneasy glance at one another before searching for the source of the voice. "Who's there?" Turtles called out into the unknown, beckoning for the stranger to reveal themselves. BranChan's grip on his new friend tightened as he backed away from the river, looking for the nearest escape route. Frantic to find an escape, the big oaf's foot caught on an exposed root and he fell backwards, his head hitting the ground hard. Pain coursed through his skull and stars danced across his vision as he lost consciousness.

"Hey! Who are you? Answer me!" Turtles yelled out as his tiny legs attempted to shake his human counterpart awake. "Are you okay?!" he asked to his captor, wondering to himself why he was suddenly caring about this freak's wellbeing. A figure emerged from the bushes and walked slowly towards the unlikely duo. With each step he took, the little animal grew increasingly paranoid. He climbed atop BranChan, urging him to wake up before taking a deep breath at the realization of what he was about to do. He walked down the big oaf's round stomach, cursing his legs to move faster as the stranger grew closer.

Once Turles reached his destination, he acted quickly to not lose his resolve and snapped his jaw shut on the tip of BranChan's penis. The action made the oaf squeal and he awoke insantly. His head snapped upwards as he looked at the small turtle, confusion apparent on his face as he tried to understand what had just happened.

"What the hell is going on here?!" the stranger barked, disgust dripping from his voice. The pair froze in shock as they looked up to meet the eyes of the towering Potato.

Unlikely Friends: Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now