Chapter Sixty Two

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Potato shrank in BranChan's strong arms, slowly returning to his original form. The oaf gave a victorious twirl, glitter shimmering around him as he magically returned to his normal height as well. He placed the defeated man wearing a wig on the ground. Potato stared pathetically at his feet, his cucumber sword hanging limply by his side.

BranChan chuckled at the sulking man, patting his head once before pulling the wig off him. He proudly delivered the magical hair to the waiting sheep standing directly in the heart of the herd. Turtles slowly limped towards BranChan placing an arm on his back to steady himself and smiling proudly at the hero. The sparkling oaf smiled back at his boyfriend and placed the wig back where it belonged.

The light immediately returned to the strange creature's eyes the moment the hair touched her head. "You've saved the day," Lamby congratulated BranChan before turning her attention to the others. The group dragged their beatened and bloodied bodies towards the magical being. The wig clad sheep thanked everyone's contributions, remarking on how clever they were to use their blessed gifts.

"How did you know to help us?" Lua questioned, suddenly suspicious. Lamby gave a knowing smile as she extended a leg towards Lua. Resting on her hoof was a small pink journal. The moonlight casted enough of a glow for dainty boy to make out the words written inside the book.

"It was late. The clock approaching four am as the stars shined brightly on the group of unlikely friends," Lua read aloud as the group gathered around. Even the ashamed Potato was now paying attention, cautiously looking up and listening to the fairy tale scrawled on the pages.

"The smelly man raised his voice to Lamby as she bent over the journal, determined to finish her story before the sun came up. 'Go sleep!' Stinky ordered. 'Yes, sleep!' Lua chimed in, 'I've been staying up to read this.'"

Lua paused, looking at the strange creature in confusion. "I never said that," Lua objected, a chill running down his spine. Stinky nodded along, piping up, "Neither did I!"

"You did somewhere," Lamby revealed. Potato listened intently, realization slowly crossing his face.

"The friends groaned in annoyance as yet another notification crossed their phone screens," Lua continued reading, "Potato spoke up, realization slowly crossing his face. 'Am I being paid for you blatantly plagiarizing me?' he questioned, with his lawyer on speed dial."

Potato shook his head in disbelief.  "You planned this all along," he accused, pointing a finger at Lamby. The dainty boy looked up from the journal and nodded, for once in agreement with Potato. "So does this mean none of us have free will?" Turtles nervously asked, "and all of this was predetermined and pointless?"

"No," Potato answered on behalf of the strange creature, "she was just ripping off ideas from things we said as she went along."

Lua looked at Mike Tyson and wondered if what he felt was true love or was he just written to adore this beautiful beefcake."So is this how it ends?" Potato faced the strange creature, "we just shatter the forth wall and live happily ever after?" Lua dropped the journal in disgust as Lamby smiled knowingly once again. She looked to the sky and noticed it was approaching four am though the stars still shined brightly.

Lamby bent over the journal, picking it up from the ground, determinded to finish her story. The group sighed and gathered around the strange creature. They weren't sure what drove them to act. Was it the magical sheep pulling strings, playing the puppet master? Or were they simply curious to know how the story ended? The group held hands around the strange creature, watching as her pencil danced across the pages.

It was late and Sleepy yawned, laying his head against Stinky's shoulder. "Go sleep," the smelly man urged, kissing his lover on the forehead. "Yes sleep!" Lua piped up as he curled against Mike Tyson. "I've been staying up to read this," the dainty boy rubbed his tired eyes. Potato watched the couples, feeling a deep pang in his chest as Lamby finished the final page of her story. Mike Tyson noticed the solemn expression of the lonely boy's face and pulled him to his chiseled chest.

Lua smiled at Potato, giggling before kissing his nose. He didn't mind sharing Mike Tyson anymore as a sudden warmth flowed through his veins. Potato needed to be loved and the couple was ready to give him what he desperately craved for so long.

Turtles snuggled against BranChan as Mike Tyson held Lua and Potato close. Sleepy, Stinky, and Moon snored in a naked, sweaty heap. Even Yeet found comfort in the arms of the bleating, braindead Grimm. Lamby watched as the couples fell into a peaceful sleep, exhausted from their grand adventure.

The strange creature ended their story with an overused cliché as she scrawled the final sentence into the journal.

"And they all lived happily ever after."

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