Chapter Sixty One

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A green beam shot from Potato's chest, engulfing BranChan in a bright light. He felt his body grow, his bootyshorts tearing open and floating towards the ground. BranChan's muscles became more defined as his naked body grew a thick coat of hair. The change was immediate, as if a switch had been thrown that took away his soft skin and made his bones appear stronger and harder yet still his charm was undeniable. His hands grew larger, until he was able to pick up the mayo crusted hottub and fling it directly at the beast.

BranChan hit his mark perfectly, spraying the small amount of left over mayo across Potato's face. The beast cocked his head back with a roar, letting out an earsplitting war cry and rushed at the oaf. He clawed at BranChan's face with his cucumber swords, slicing deep cuts from his cheek to his jaw. The blood spilled freely and BranChan fell fabulously backwards, glitter swirling around his body. "Ohh," he moaned at the impact, finding pleasure in the pain. He opened his sparkling blue eyes and spun in a circle, one hand raised in the air flashing a peace sign. Sparkles flew from his twirling form in every direction, shooting past Potato in a shimmering haze and cutting through his scales.

BranChan stopped spinning and faced Potato, balancing on one foot like a glorious flamingo. His other foot was kicked up behind him as Bran posed cutely, puckering his lips at the disgusted beast and blowing a powerful kiss. The force of the kiss shredded through Potato's scales, revealing the vulnerable skin underneath. With every hit that Potato landed, BranChan grew more fabulous. His body shook and glimmered in the night sky as Potato attempted to destroy the obnoxious oaf. "Ohhhh," he moaned again, his body slick with sweat and shining in the moonlight. His hands gripped his beautiful, bulging boner as Potato landed what should have been a fatal blow. The sparkling oaf flew backwards, landing on the ground. The grass tickled his exposed asscheeks and he giggled as he was sent over the edge. The abuse only pleasured BranChan and he could no longer hold back the powerful ejaculate 

A vibrant rainbow exploded from Bran's twitching cock as he aimed and came his pride all over Potato. The overwhelming sensation caused BranChan's love to grow stronger and he walked towards the weakening beast. Mike Tyson and Lua watched as love pushed BranChan forward and decided to help the only way they knew how. The musclar man cupped the dainty boy's face in his hand and stared longingly in his eyes. They had been through so much and grown together. "I love you," Mike Tyson whispered to his battered boyfriend. Lua's blush was hidden behind the bruises painted across his cheeks. "I love you too," Lua confessed before kissing Mike Tyson.

A pink glow formed around the couple, the light growing stronger before shooting towards BranChan. The earth shook as the oaf marvelously stretched towards the sky, sparkles raining to the ground. The shaking woke the sleeping smelly couple as they watched in wonder at the sight of such a large naked man. "Let's help," Stinky suggested, looking for any excuse to make out with his boyfriend; not entirely sure what exactly was going on. Sleepy nodded as he flung himself into the smelly man's arms, shoving his tongue down the his throat.  If they were going to die, they may as well go out fucking.

Another pink glow began to form just as the witch raced across the field, riding a fluffy lamb.The lamb was indistinguishable from any of the other sheep within the herd but Moon recognized her friend anywhere. Her magic kept her connected to those she loved at all times. "Wait!" Moon cried, jumping off the running lamb and landing between Stinky and Sleepy. "I want to be a part of this disgusting love," she purred, licking the side of Sleepy's face before probing her tongue deep within his wax coated ear. "Ohh, I love you two," Sleepy shivered against Moon's greedy tongue. The pink glow grew brighter as it shot towards the powerful naked man, pushing him forward as he embraced Potato in his glorious arms.

Turtles rubbed his eyes and sat up, slowly remembering the events before he was knocked unconscious. He wondered how long he had been out for as he noticed his partner's giant presence. He shakily stood to his feet, careful to not lose balance. The small boy proudly watched his heroic man as he held the squirming Potato in his arms. "I love you, Bran!" Turtles shouted from afar, his soft voice carried with the blinding pink light bursting from his chest. That was the last push Bran needed as the pink glow seeped into him; his flawless skin shining and burning the beast.

The naked man leaned towards the writhing monster and firmly planted his puckered lips on Potato's, melting the beast's frozen heart and washing his hate away.

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