Chapter Twenty Three

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The men gathered around Yeet as she happily danced, loving all of their attention. She scanned the small crowd, ranking the group by hotness level. Potato snapped his fingers, bringing the Oasis back to attention. "Yes, as I was saying..." she trailed off, realizing one of her new pals were missing, "Hey, wheres the turtle?"

Turtles was still forgotten, slowly but surely making his way towards the group. She flicked her wrist in his direction, sending a stream of water towards him and lifting him into the air. She dragged the little guy over, setting him gently on BranChan's shoulder. "Thanks," Turtles grumbled, now back with the one person he would rather avoid.

"Anyway!" Yeet clapped her hand, sending tiny water droplets in every direction. "If you can work together and solve my test, I will personally take you to the strange creature." The group exploded into chaos, an unitelligible chatter of overlapping voices and dozens of questions. Yeet's eyes widen at the commotion. The overly excited men pushed their way forward, each one demanding for their question to be heard first. "Calm down," the surprised goddess called out to the crowd, "You must listen." Silence fell as the men gave the water being their undivided attention. The waiting, eager eyes on Yeet gave her the confidence she needed. She stood up proudly, speaking loud and clearly.

"This test won't be easy. You have to be willing to rely on each other and be prepared." she warned, "One small mistake and I will sink into the earth, never to be seen again. You may die out here without me." Lua gulped and flung himself into Mike Tyson's arms. This was the last sign he needed. The universe was telling him to accept his lover for who he is. "Oh, Mikeypoo," Lua cried against his boyfriend's chiseled chest, "I'm sorry I ever judged you." Mike Tyson kissed the top of the dainty boy's head and held him tight. "I'm thorry I lied about who I am," Mike Tyson lisped into his lover's hair. The boy raised his head and looked at Mike Tyson deeply in the eyes. They both knew then everything would be alright as long as they had each other.

Sleepy and Stinky were having their own little moment as well, tonguing each other ferociously and leaving the drama from that horrid night years ago behind. Everything was forgiven, they could grow from this.

BranChan lifted Turtles off his shoulder and gently held the little creature in the palm of his hand. "Thank you for helping me find those flowers," he sheepishly said, "and I'm sorry for everything I put you through." Turtles hesitated, unsure of the feelings within him. He met BranChan's eyes and confessed, "this has been the craziest, most exciting adventure I've ever been in my entire life." The big oaf couldnt stop the tears forming in his eyes as he grabbed his stomach and doubled over as if he were in pain.

"God!" Turtles exclaimed in horror, "please tell me you're not going to shit yourself or something!" BranChan smiled, blushing. "No," he answered, "I think I have butterflies."

Potato watched the couples in digust, knowing that once he finally reached the strange creature he would destroy their love. Everyone would finally be as miserable as him. He just needed to pretend to get along with these idiots and he'd be one step closer.  He forced an overly stretched smile on his face as he approached BranChan with an extended hand. "Let's call a truce," Potato creepily offered. "Uh sure," the oaf shook the blonde man's hand, casting a confused look at the equally lost Turtles. Potato quickly released the filthy hand and faced the giddy Yeet. "We are ready for the test," the hateful man declared.

Yeet excitedly clapped her hands again, splashing Potato in the face. "Yay! Gather around everyone.  The test is about to begin!" Waves of water shot out of every hole and every tiny little pore of Yeet, grabbing the men with her current and pulling them closer to her. "Are you ready?" she whispered to the bundle of squished and soaked men. They all immediately nodded, impatient to begin and reach their dreams.

"Take your time to think and discuss amongst yourselves," she helpfully suggested. She smiled, amused at the increasing annoyance plastered on their individual faces. She dramatically took a sigh and cleared her throat before delivering the long-awaited test. The men leaned forward in anticipation, hanging onto every word that passed Yeet's full lips. Their jaws dropped the moment the question reached their ears.

"What is..." the water goddess paused for dramatic effect, "Two plus two?"

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