Chapter Thirty Five

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Potato picked up the hair and placed it on his head. The long brown tresses entwined with his blond hair. He felt the magic seeping through his skull and flowing through his veins. The sword began to melt into his hand and soon Potato's fingers lengthened. Each digit extended and turned into a tiny green blade. The hateful villain inspected his new hands, now equipped with ten cucumber swords.

"That's lazy writing," Lua called out, acknowledging the obvious Edward Scissorhand ripoff while hiding behind Mike Tyson. Potato spun around, searching for the little brat. He was tired of all these couples. His eyes flashed a fiery red as the whites gradually turned to an iridescent purple.  They glittered menacingly in the bright sunlight as they followed the movement of the people around them.

"Noo," BranChan cried, running towards Lamby. The strange creature was strange no more. In her place stood a completely normal sheep. Lamby baa'd at the oaf's sobs. He embraced the fluffy lamb, guilt washing over him. He had just completed his quest and his wish came true at the price of this magical being's fate. He angrily glared up at Potato, pulling himself to his feet. His towering form approached the traitor. "You've committed the worst sin," BranChan declared, determined to avenge the bleating animal.

Potato faced the oaf, opening his mouth and revealing a snake-like tongue. The doofus recoiled from the wretched beast as Potato hissed at his sudden proximity. "You," Potato shrieked, reaching his cucumber fingers towards the disgusting oaf. In a blink of an eye, all of the couples around him froze in place. Even Mike Tyson stopped moving, his bulging muscles rendered useless. Potato began levitating, his new hair flowing wildly in the wind around his head. He extended a long, green finger towards the obnoxious doofus. "Why don't you go find me some flowers?" he ordered before shooting a beam towards Yeet.

The blast shattered a hole in the frozen dragon, opening a portal within her. The water dragon could do little to stop the monster as her waves stayed frozen solid, allowing the now shattered ice to reveal a black hole deep within her gut. Potato cackled madly as his long hair whipped towards BranChan, wrapping around his ankle and throwing him into the abyss.

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