Chapter Thirty Six

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Piece after piece of Yeet's ice began chipping away only to immediately be sucked into her own black hole. She remained calm, knowing she wouldn't be able to patch this wound on her own. The frozen dragon would rather implode in on herself than risk another friend lost in her gaping hole. She looked around at the scene in front of her. Turtles sobbing and begging to join BranChan, unable to move. Sleepy and Stinky stuck together, a mayo dipped human popsicle. Lua hid behind Mike Tyson, his small hand frozen to the massive bicep.

Potato laughed menacingly at the request, ignoring the weeping boy. He floated towards the mayo duo and with a flick of his hand, he separated the two. The hateful villain placed a cucumber finger to his lips as he considered which man to toss away.  Opting to rid himself of the most disgusting, his hair reached for Stinky. Sleepy cried for his lover, unable to help or follow. "We'll meet again," the smelly man promised his lover before looking Potato dead in the eye. "I will be back and I'm going to lube you up with mayo and make you mine," Stinky vowed angrily as he was sucked into Yeet's hole.

Potato was unfazed by the threat and faced the remaining couple. "No, please," Lua begged. They were finally happy, everything was going to be okay and now this creepy little demon was tearing them apart. An unsettling smile stretched across the hateful monster's face. Without a chance to say goodbye, Potato tossed Lua into the black hole.

He would now have Mike Tyson all to himself.

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