Chapter Forty Four

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Stinky tilted his head in confusion towards the voice. "Do I know you?" he asked, approaching the woman. Moon looked over at him curiously and smiled a toothy grin, “Of course, silly.” She giggled softly as she took his hand and led him along. “You’re just so funny!” she continued chattering excitedly, "I can't believe you've gone and lost your memory again."

"Again?" Stinky blinked, trying to keep up with this insane woman. He shook his head, remembering he was looking for Sleepy. "Have you seen a tiny tired guy around here? Possibly with hypothermia?" Moon giggled softly again and nodded enthusiastically, "Yep! Sure did, actually!"

Stinky watched as she grabbed a bowl and filled it with water. "Really?" he asked and Moon nodded as she tossed salt into the bowl. "What are you doing?" he questioned, feeling that sense of dread again. She dusted off her hands and looked towards the door, a smile plastered on her face. "Waiting," she responded. Stinky looked towards the entrance and then back at Moon. "Are you okay?" he asked the witch as she remained a smiling statue. Stinky looked away the moment he heard the shop door opening. His eyes landed on a boy tugging along an oversized suitcase with a broken wheel.

"Oh! You're back," Moon cheerfully parroted beside him. Stinky's stomach dropped, he hoped that Sleepy was safe wherever he was.

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