Chapter Thirteen

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Lua angrily dragged both his oversized luggage and his undersized boyfriend out of the airport. Sap tried to stand tall but his shaking hands deceived him, as well as the fact it was basically impossible for him to stand tall at his measly height. "I can't believe you lied to me," Lua hissed once outside the building, turning on his heels to face the short man. The dainty boy towered over him and he couldn't believe he ever fell for this lie. A 6'4 NBA star? Surely such a story could easily be confirmed with a quick google search but Lua was young, stupid, and horny.

And now he was stuck in a completely different country without the funds to hop back on a plane and return home. The dainty boy looked down on his boyfriend with contempt. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

Sap was silently praying, begging some unknown force to either open up the earth and swallow him whole or for his bones to magically lengthen so he could become the man Lua always dreamed of. His face warmed from the embarassment and he absent-mindedly scratched at his cheeks. Lua continued glaring at him, growing more and more impatient at the sight of this terrified man. "Well at least it makes sense for you to be daddy now," Sap attempted to make a joke at their size difference, "I'd make a good bottom." Lua curled up his lip in disgust. "Do you think this is funny? You've basically ruined my life. What am I supposed to do now?"

Despite his anxiety and guilt, Sap felt himself becoming defensive. This entire time he saw Lua as such a caring partner but he never realized how shallow he could be. He scratched at his face more and he mumbled out a pathetic, "whatever, I guess..."

Lua watched as the short man picked at his skin and his disgust turned into horror as a bloody chunk of flesh fell to the ground at his feet. "What the fuck are you doing," Lua took a step back. He knew his boyfriend was a liar but he didn't know he was insane. Sap kept tearing at his face, his nails digging deeper into his skin and pulling the fleshy pieces away from his jaw line until there were no blood vessels left. When he finally let go, he stood with his jaw still gaping wide open and tears pooling up in his eyes. Tears that seemed more red than they should have been.  His cheeks were streaked with blood and his chin was also covered in a crimson stain.

He began hyperventilating as he staggered towards Lua and he was barely aware when he reached out and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." Sap repeated over and over. The dainty boy stood frozen in place, afraid the crazed man would begin mutilating him next.  He tried to shake Sap off but the man clung onto his shoulders like a scared child.

"Let go of me you fucking freak!" Lua shoved the man off and tried running away but Sap grabbed him again by his arm, leaving bloody fingerprints across his skin. The dainty boy kicked and writhed but he couldn't break free. How was this short man suddenly so strong? Perhaps the unknown force heard Sap's prayers. The blood washed down his face, revealing what laid beneath the horror. Lua watched helplessly as the love of his life transformed right before his eyes.  From a small creature who used to hide with a blanket pulled over his head, to a giant who looked as if he was ready to murder someone. In fact, he had a death grip on Lua's arm.

"What are you?" Lua whispered, fear coursing through his body as pain shot through his arm. The man standing before him was no longer the Sap he knew and loved. As the remaining blood dripped off his face, the dainty boy could now make out the new features.

He was standing face to face with Mike Tyson.

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