2: Ninjas......right.

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"Mizuki." A woman's voice chuckled. "Take your sister while we get the boat."

There was rumbling thunder and smooth sailing until large waves began to rise and fall. The same thing from all the other dreams happens. A lightning flash hit the boat, a intense burning, and then cold ocean water engulfing her body, dragging her under to the same cold darkness..


Mizuki opened her eye, her hand rubbing the scar. For some reason it was throbbing. That wasn't how she usually woke up. A young girl with brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Miss, I brought you and Yuki-san some clothes." Mizuki brushed her hand through her hair but froze when the girl gasped. She had forgotten that she isn't in her home where her scar won't bother others. She turned her head to see the girl who held a casual yukatas in her arms. "Don't worry about that, its something I had since I was little." She brush her bangs over the left of her face. "Sorry if I startled you." She got up and took the violet yukata from the young girl. "I won't tell miss."

She slipped off the cotton robe she slept in. "What's your name?" She asked the girl. "Suzuki." She said shyly. "Well Suzu-chan. Go to the other room and get my sister, she would love the color pink." She smiled while putting on her yukata. Suzuki nodded and hurried off. She grabbed a red sash from the small dresser and tied it around her waist. She was straightening the collar and fixing her hair when she heard a knock at the door. Mizuki looked under her raised arm. "Suzu-chan?" she asked but the one who slid the door open was the albino stern looking man from before. "Tobirama-sama" Wow that was a twister.

He looked at her as she dropped her hair so it fell onto her back, covering the Senju symbol on the cloth. He didn't see her well in the dark last night but now he can make out distinct features. Her icy teal eyes were brighter in the sunlight. And her hair was indeed the same bluish black as an Uchiha so it was understandable for the mistake if seen from behind. "Are you going to tell me why you're here or are you going to stare at me like a prisoner under interrogation?" She smirked. "My brother has asked for you and your sister to dine with us." He stated casually with a serious voice holding authority. The woman walked pass him, not wearing the sandals she was given. He noticed that he towered over her, being 5'11 and she was most likely 5'4. She slides the door open to her sisters room, freezes, then slams it shut behind her.

That made him suspicious.

Mizuki nearly fainted. Yuki was crystalizing a flower from a vase and showing it off to Suzuki. "What are you doing? You know that's dangerous. She took the flower and placed it back in the container. Tobirama slid the door open. "You shouldn't do things to arouse suspicion in this compound." He rose a brow when she blocked the doorway. "My sister, she isn't dressed yet so if you don't mind..." She shut the door again. Mizuki slid down the door and sighed. "That was far to close Yuki. Susuki? Please don't talk about what you've seen." She nodded quickly. "I won't Yuki's my friend."

It made her happy to know her sister has a friend already, not counting Hashirama. "Well since your ready, lets go." She walked hand in hand with Yuki, Tobirama was leading the way. Yuki was chatting away with her new friend about animals. She stared blankly at a random object in front of her, the object being the Senju's blue clothed back. She took the time to look over his appearance. Shaggy white hair, pale skin, broad shoulders, very tall, maybe taller than his brother. His casual outfit was a simple, short-sleeved, blue shirt kimono with mesh armour underneath and held closed by a pale yellow sash., This casual attire included blue pants and a bracelet of sorts on his left hand. He always had the face of a stone statue. From what he looked like when she saw his face, he was in his twenties.

They entered the dining hall and all conversations inside ceased. Yuki was uncomfortable and hid behind the elder sister. Seeing the girls appearance, whispers began to float through the dining hall. Hashirama rose his wooden mug. "Now now, no hostility towards our guests. We had already made sure that they are not the enemy. Come sit with us." Mizuki looked at the food trays and pillow seats. It looked like the dining hall from a historical mansion like in the era of samurai. She didn't see any empty seats except for the two in the front beside Hashirama and Tobirama, who had just sit down. Mizuki had no time to pick since Yuki ran straight to the one by her 'Monkey', Leaving the only other option to be next to Mr. Stoneface. She sat on the pillow behind the food tray, having to kneel.

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