14: The war ends

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It's been over two weeks since the last battle where Izuna was killed. Akira joined their side, causing other Uchiha wanting piece to come forth. So far it was only the war weary men. Hashirama had proposed a cease fire on that fateful day but Izuna persuaded his brother not to fall for it, saying they were deceiving him.

Tomorrow was the day Hashirama, Senjus, and the defected Uchiha would meet to try and forge an alliance. Mizuki walked to one of the buildings the other clan was using carrying food trays. She had four balanced on her head and both hands. One for each resident in this building. When reaching the main room, she kicked the sliding door open. "Moooooorning!" The majority of the room switched on their sharingan. "Oh relax you guys. It's just little old me."

Suddenly she was glomped, almost making her drop the food as she danced around to catch some of them. "Yuki! I could have dropped their breakfast."

"Crow-kun!" The fifteen year-old's attention didn't listen as she latched onto her lover. Mizuki sighed in exasperation while serving the trays. "Honestly, why do I even bother trying?" She muttered under her breath. Well at least the guests were no longer on edge. Instead they were amused by Yuki and Akira's antics. "Oi Mizuki-san. Aren't you supposed to be training with foxface?" She couldn't help but smirk. He had taken a liking to one of the many nicknames she created for Tobirama.

"Crap! Bye guys, enjoy the meal. Yuki deliver the rest to the others." With that she ran off. Tobirama was waiting for her in the open field outside the compound. "I'm going to teach you the flying thunder god as well as the body flicker jutsu. Both will allow you to move long distances within a blink of an eye."

"Will I be able to beat you in a race?"

A smirk appeared on the stoic features he usually wears. "Doubt it. But if you do well then maybe you can get almost close."

"Don't be an ass." She growled.

Tobirama continues as if he didn't hear her. But that was utter bull. Ninjas have their senses heightened and she wasn't exactly whispering either. "The flying raijin is a time-space ninjutsu, making them telliport to and spot marked by the users special seal." He held out a kunai with his unique mark on the cloth wrapping around the handle. "I can throw one towards an enemy to close the distance immediately."

Mizuki listened intently to his explaination. She had a feeling that this was a jutsu she would favor a lot. "The flicker is simply a blur of movement when the shinobi transfers excessive chakra into their legs, causing them to shoot off at blinding speeds too fast for normal eyes to trace."

"I see. But wouldn't lots of chakra tire the user out?"

"Correct. Only a burst of chakra is needed to get behind your enemy. It isn't used for going long distances. The other jutsu can teleport you anywhere you mark whether it's a mile away or in another country. I will teach you the easiest of the two. Body flicker."

The training began with his instructions. Equal amount of chakra has to be pushed into both legs. Her first try was a failure. The second her right foot landed on the dirt, it sunk in, making her fall ungracefully. She landed like a starfish on the ground. "Too much chakra in your right." She sent him a glare which he only responded with a chuckle.

The day goes on and by the time her chakra was near depletion, the farthest she could go was four meters. Mizuki was currently on the ground again, unable to move a muscle. "I should have known you would push yourself to the limit." Tobirama knelt to pick her up. Her body fit perfectly into his. He blinked at the thought before shaking his head and teleporting back inside the compound. His brother just happened to be passing by. "Oh? What's wrong with Mizuki?"

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