1: Rama one Rama two

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     She had that dream again......

    Mizuki could hear a loud chirping in her ears and her arm reached out to the side, feeling for the alarm clock button but all she felt was grass. "nnnng." She opened her eye and looked around before sitting up quickly. "Yuki." She gasped and looked around for her sister. She relaxed when she saw her sleeping next to her. "Thank god." The fifteen year old girl wakes up shortly after and looks around. "Nee-Chan? Where are we? What happened to the house? And the storm?"

     "I dunno sweetheart." Helping her up, they start walking. "If were stranded on some, uh, forest island or something, I want a monkey." Yuki grins. She rose a brow at her sibling. "We are lost in a place we don't know....and you want a monkey?" Mizu was already shaking her head and chuckling. Her sister had a thing for exotic and wild animals. She never understood it. "Of course! They are like twenty percent human right so it can be a best friend!" She stopped when something caught her eye. Literally one eye. There was a skinny dirt path a few feet away. "Yuki, lets follow that and see if it leads to a town or at least a campsite."

       Walking hand in hand, the two sisters followed the trail but didn't come to any town, camp, or gas station. It was getting really dark out. "Nee-Chan?" She tugged her arm and pointed at a tree. "Didn't we pass that tree already?" She circled it, looking at the tree closely. It was similar to every other tree. "Your just tired. I bet we'll see some people soon." She took a pen from her pocket and drew a smiley face. Next time they pass, they'll know if its the same one. She took a step back and something wrinkles under her feet. "Hmm?" She lifted her sneaker and saw a piece of white paper lined with red. Ink words were scribbled onto it. "Gen-jutsu...trigger....barrier?" She read aloud but didn't understand it. "Nee-mmph!" She whipped around and saw man holding her Yuki captive, hand on her mouth.

    Before she could even think of moving, the cold edge of a blade pressed into her throat. "What are two Uchiha's doing out here?" What were they talking about? "L-let her go!" Mizuki kicked the man, gaining a thin red line on her neck in the process, before grabbing her sister. They started running but it felt like they were going nowhere. She hid behind a tree and held her sister. "I don't want a monkey anymore.....Nee-Chan......the tree." Yuki pointed up and there, on the bark, was a drawn smiley face. They ran straight the whole time, how are they back here!

   "Going somewhere Uchiha spies?" Yuki was hit in the back of the head, knocked out. "Yu-" Mizuki followed shortly after. She forced her eye to stay open enough to see her arm reach out and take the hand of her sister before darkness took over her.

     That dream happened again. The boat, the crying, thunder, lightning, two adults. But this time she saw the ocean, not just feel it. She saw the churning black waves smashing gains the boat, which she could see now also. The dream had become more vivid. Before she could even try to understand, she was pulled into the cold nothingness like with every other dream.


  "Hashirama, you shouldn't be so impulsive. He won't just sit down and have a talk over tea." Tobirama sighed at his elder brothers idiotic idea of going on his own to try talking with Madara. He will bring reinforcements and most likely form an ambush. Just then a knock sounded outside the cabin. "Its me."

    "Ah Kenta, Come in!" Hashirama grinned, completely forgetting about their meeting. The senju stepped in and bowed. "Tobirama-sama, Hashirama-sama. We found two Uchihas lurking near the compound. They were trapped in a genjutsu trap along the perimeter of our barrier." Tobirama clenched his jaw and narrowed his red eyes. "Spies?" The man nodded. "We think so sir."

    Hashirama got up and stood. "Well lets greet these newcomers shall we?" He asked with a smile. He loved meeting new people, which is a problem. "We have to see if their restrained first." The white haired brother interjected. "Actually sir, we knocked them out and are unconscious in a secure room." Good, now they won't be able to attack and remember how to get here. Kenta lead the lead Senju brothers to the room holding the Uchiha prisoners. Hashirama stepped in. "They're just young girls." Tobirama stood beside him and looked at the two who sat at the other end, shackles on one of their ankles

       There was a woman and a younger child. Both had black hair with a blue tint, like most Uchihas. The child's hair was cut short at the shoulders and the left of her long bangs were pinned up. She also wore a strange frilly dress with ribbons and bows. There was no mesh under armor.  The woman had long hair reaching past her hip, ending at the upper thigh. Her bangs fell over the left side of her face, blocking it from view. She wore clothes that were boyish. Strange slim pants and a purple shirt. The one thing he noticed other than their appearance was how they sat as close together as possible, the woman had her arms protectively wrapped around the child.

   Just then the eldest began to stir. When she opened her visible eye everyone froze. It wasn't the dark onyx, another distinct trait of the Uchiha, it was an icy teal green. Her eye cleared from haze and she looked left and right quickly. "W-where...Yuki!" She looked at the child in her arms and visibly relaxed but held her closer. "What's going on? Where am I?" He was impressed by how calm she sounded, considering that she found herself in a strange new place.

      Mizuki glared at the three in the room, one she recognized as the one who had knocked them out. The man with long brown hair, dark eyes, and tan skin walked over and knelt. "Hello, I'm Hashirama Senju, I apologize for the rough treatment but are you Uchiha's?" Was that a family they disliked? The men that they encountered said that name as well, with disdain. Yuki at last woke up and rubbed her eyes. "Nee-chan?" Mizuki turned to her sister and brushed the dirt from her hair and dress. "I'm here sweetheart." She whispered. Yuki blinked the same bright colored eyes at the strangers in the room.

         She looked at Hashirama who observed the interaction. "No we aren't Uchiha's, whoever they are, I'm Mizuki and this is my sister Yuki." She answered his question calmly with a polite smile. Yuki on the other hand widened her eyes at the tan man before grinning. "Nee-chan! A monkey, a monkey. Can I have him?!" Hashirama threw his head back and laughed. "What an energetic youngster you have. Kenta, these two are not spies, at most they were lost and tripped the trap without knowing." Mizuki looked at the white haired man. He was paler than the or her two, with narrowed red eyes, and his face had three red triangular stripes. Two on the cheeks and one on the chin. It reminded her of a tiger in some ways.

         Tobirama crossed his arms and scowled at his brother, who was getting out of hand, trusting the two strangers so easily. When the shackles were removed and the woman, now known as Mizuki, stood up, something caught his eye. The bangs over her face shifted and skin of her left ear was different from the porcelain light tint that she and her sister had. Hashirama walked over and patted his back. "This is my brother, Tobirama." Yuki was hugging his brother around the waist like he was her knew favorite toy. The concern was over this behavior was shown clearly in the elder sisters face before looking up at him. "Rama one and Rama two, got it." Kenta fumed. "Show some respect and use proper honorific for our leaders." Mizuki gave a calm smile and waved her hands. "Hashirama-sama? Isn't it very hard to say that? It's almost a tongue twister." She stated with a head tilt but nodded anyway.

         "Monkey-sama!" Yuki grinned. "Yuki please let go of Hashirama...uh, sama please." The girl pouted but after lingering for another minute, she did as told and stood in front of her sister who laid her slender hands on her shoulders. "I also apologize for the misunderstanding. We were in a storm and after it hit our house, we found ourselves here. We don't know how since we blacked out."

        "Feel free and stay here and rest, you must be weary." Hashirama suggested but Tobirama cut in. "We shouldn't trust them just because they aren't Uchiha. Keep them under surveillance until we can." This made his brother immediately start sulking. He gets depressed far too easily. It didn't last long since he stood straight and nodded. "Kenta, show them to a room with proper living accommodations." "Yes Hashirama-sama." With that they left. The wind brushed Mizuki's bangs back slightly, revealing some more reddened skin on the left upper cheek. Tobirama looked at her with hidden curiosity. Hashirama picked something off the ground and held it up to the light of a wall torch.

    "Hmm, this is a interesting crystal." It was a magenta color and shaped in fine detail to look like a flower.

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