7: Madara nice name.

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"She's the one?"

"Yes onii-san."

"She doesn't look strong at all." The red eyed man scoffed while standing with his arms crossed on a tree branch. A shorter figure sitting beside him. "Strong enough to kill one Uchiha instantly and tire me out just as a diversion." A younger voice added.

"We'll see how she is in a battle soon enough."

The two dark figure vanished from the tree.


Mizuki slammed her palm against a tree again and again. AZ the humming bird watched from his twig perch. Left, right, left, right. Each time she sent a wave of chakra into the wood. Her palms have long since started to become sore and now there were scratches all over them. It hurt each time the bark connected with her hands. Blood stained the tree red in the area it was inflicted.

Tobirama rounded the corner, just finishing tying his yellow sash around the blue kimono shirt he wore. He spotted Mizuki training and a praising smile lifted the corners of his lips. Just for a second until he saw her error. Almost appearing out of nowhere, he grabbed her wrists. "That's enough." He ordered.

She turned her head her one eye blinking at him with confusion. "Why? I thought I was training."

"Your hurting yourself."

"Isn't it supposed to hurt?" She tilted her head, bangs falling from the scar.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before giving a glare. "There are limits. I doubt you can hold a sword anymore now." She gave a crooked smile, looking not the least bit guilty. "Oh, I had no clue. I'll be careful next time though heheh." Mizuki grinned brightly. Tobirama gave her a odd look before shaking his head, scratching his fluffy white hair.

"Follow me." He commanded and turned, pulling her along by the wrist. Mizuki scowled at his tall back as she was dragged along. "I'm in the middle of training though."

"Your training is over for the day."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

She huffed. So bossy. And why can't he speak more in casual conversation? Geez! The white haired Senju brought her into what looked like the infirmary and finally let go. Mizuki sat on one of the cots, swinging her legs while she waited for him to get what he was looking for in the drawers. He came back with a roll of bandages and a small jar.

"Hands." He said gruffly. She held out her palms like asked, well ordered. Everything was all about orders and seriousness with this guy. "Ouch" She winced when he smudged some yellowish transparent cream into one of her cuts. "Hold still. I need to disinfect the wounds." As if to prove the point, he tightened his grip on her right wrist. The one he was currently disinfecting.

She sat as still as she could but the stings made her flinch. The cream had the texture of grease and added weight to her hands for some reason. Tobirama wrapped the fingers individually before wrapping the bandages around her palms, allowing her to still use them. "There. Training is postponed for three days."


"Three days." He interrupted. Mizuki threw her arms up growling in frustration. "But I wants to learn jutsu already!" Tobirama sighed. She was acting childish once more, it's like she had multiple personalities. "This isn't fair. You never told me there were rules to training. Any normal person would warn me." She crossed her arms, teal eye glaring at him. "A normal person would stop before injuring themselves." He stood and put the bandages and ointment away.

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