Chapter 8

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SHH.... I'm in hiding

Chapter 8


Aria's P.O.V

You can imagine why I hated to wake up and go to school this morning. I even thought about ditching and fleeing to a different school, but when they notice when I don't show up for less than 3 days, of course they'll get suspicious as to why I don't want to be in the SGC. Also, now that I know about their spy secret, I'm pretty sure they'll guess about it having to do with spy related things.

As I walk through the doors of the school, I can already see Kaylie and Chase by their lockers, arguing about how Chase should be able to see Kaylie's already finished homework for their math class, which apparently Chase forgot to do. If you didn't know about them being spies, I bet you could hardly tell, with how normally they act just like a regular teen on a forced to go school day.

Kaylie turns her head and literally brightens up as if she just won the lottery. This meaning she's seen me and is coming towards me right at this moment, Oh My God, I have to run away. I can tell from the evil gleam in both Kaylie's and Chase's eyes that their are definitely going to involve me into their pointless argument.

I look left and right to see if I can dash away from them before they even get close to me to make eye contact, but how is that possible when you know that they' ve had intense training for their jobs. The thing that you would learn on the first day to your training class in spy department is to be clean and quick. 

No later than a minute is Kaylie and Chase both at my opposite sides. They start the ramble about how being a cheater is being a person whose future might as well end up living in the highway and asking for money. Wow, Kaylie can seriously be harsh when she wants to be. Although Chase debates her reason by saying how she should let him copy in order to get a good grade, also mentioning that since their twins they should share the work, since they are the same person, but in two different bodies. I discovered two new things about the twins. One Kaylie can really be a bitch if she's really pissed off, two Chase is a total idiot when thinking logically.

Looking back I kinda wish I had ditched school and taken off to a new state to register for a new school. This is not what I wanted to go through while I planned going to this school in order to hide away from the U.S government spy departments and gangs. Basically my ideal plan had just flipped around and gave me a taste of hell on earth.


Garrett P.O.V

 Ugh. I wish I just stayed home for today, because of all the hours we spent on the computer in order to find some more clues about Cipher. I could tell that Bryan and Brock are thinking the same thing as me, since they look as if they die any minute because of the lack of sleep we had gotten. But I knew that they both wanted to come to school, because of somehow relating Aria to a real spy, heck even I was curious.

I opened the door and walked through it just to something that had happened every day, Kaylie and Chase fighting in the morning...again. Probably from Chase who asked Kaylie to copy her homework that he "forgot" to do. Although, what was entertaining about it today was that Aria was standing right dab in the middle of the two, while they were yelling at each other. You could see the obvious annoyance that she felt, because trust me when I say this it was basically plastered all over her face.

I tried to hold in my laughter, but Bryan and Brock couldn't keep it bottle up and soon I started to Laugh as well seconds later. Aria turned to face us and I could see both anger/hate and a plea for help. I couldn't stop grinning the entire time she was looking at me. It's like I feel that I want to go over there and save her from whatever that gives her a problem, but at the same time I have this desire to go and tease her about try and make her give me a pout. Damn. What is it about this girl that makes me think well like a average high school student, whose worried about a girl, instead of the importance of his job. Being a spy.

Bryan was the one to move first and go forward to either give Aria some assistance or tease. I felt a small ounce of jealousy rising from my chest, but why? I mean I don't think that I hate her, but do I like her? Is this how a crush should feel? or maybe it could be because she could be more than what she says she is.

My God. What the heck is going on in my mind?

I notice that Brock starts following Bryan in suit and so do I. When the distance between us and Aria are closed to a couple of inches, she gives us a massive plead for help like she's about to be murder by Barney and his flock of kids. Hey, a big purple dinosaur can look super scary when he's changed into a psychopath and brain washed his fellow fans who would follow his tweets and do whatever he said.

"Kaylie, Chase that's enough of the auguring, you might turn are little honor student into a murder." I said

"Well, if Chase would do his stupid homework whenever were assigned them, we probably 100% actually not be fighting." Kaylie said

"What kind of a sister are you that will not lend her older twin brother help when he is about to die." Chase replied with a dramatic face

"Because you aren't going to die and it's your homework so you should just do it yourself, can't you figure it out when a paper says write name on the top, you write yours making it your responsibility not mine" Kaylie said sticking out her tongue at the end of her sentence.

"Yes, I am! you don't even believe your own brother that he is going to die!"

"No, you so aren't don't be stupid Chase, what could you possibly die from"!

"Well, that's the most stupidest question ever asked, It's obvious that I'm going to die from Mr. Steinbeck giving me the most coldest glare for not doing the homework, so you should let me see yours if you want your only brother to live"! Chase said with fake fearing showing across his face.

"My answer is still no! I can't believe that's your excuse, you know what I just hope that Mr. Steinbeck, not only glares, but kick your stupid ass down the hallway stairs on the 3rd floor". Kaylie replied harshly

"and don't come crying to me when you've only came out with minor wounds, you will wish that it would have killed you when your through with me at home, talking to dad".

With that Kaylie turned the other way and left Chase with the rest of us and Aria, huffing up big deep breaths as she walked down the hallway.

"God. Whatever. Woman. So. Sassy" Chase said almost sounding like a gay guy complaining like a stereotypical bitch.

I shook my head and patted Chase on his shoulder saying "dude you'd be in a special ed. class if you hadn't been trained at the agency."

"That hurts gear bear, don't be so mean to me honey". Chase said acting more gay. God I'd believe he was if I hadn't known him since when we were 7 years old.

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