Chapter 11

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SHH..... I'm in hiding

Chapter 11

Aria --------->


Aria's P.O.V

I turned around to face Brock and Bryan looking at me. I put the book behind me quickly, but sadly it wasn't that fast enough for them to not notice and snatch the book away from. I tried to reach for it, but how can you when you feel so small against these two giants. I mean for a girl; I am pretty tall, but when you put me against these two I feel like a I shouldn't even think about myself as tall.

"So...Aria do you want to tell us why you're interested in reading a book that says Kidnappers and Drug Dealers, cause I'm pretty sure that you don't want to get involved with them." Bryan said

"I was just...curious" I said

"Well, sorry to say, but this book is classified." Brock said

"Why? I thought you guys said I could use whatever I wanted" I said

"Well, we did say you could just stay here use the equipment for 'studying' but I don't really think you need to use this book to search, but something for a school project" Brock said

"It's not like I need it, I was just curious" I said "But why won't you let me see it?"

"Well, the thing is that your not fully explainable" Bryan answered

"What does that mean"? I asked

"See we don't know anything about you at all. Like Date of Birth, Parents, Where you live, History, and school record accept for the last one you came from" Bryan said

"But How do yo-" I started but Brock cut me off

"Come Aria we can all tell that this isn't the second school you've been to"

"Although if your really want to still read it, also 'anything' in this room you got to do us a favor" Bryan said

"And what exactly is this favor" I said

"Can you at least help us with this one problem we've been having trouble with it for about a long time" said Brock

"I'll accept when I know the Troublesome thing is" I replied

"Okay, come on it actually is a group thing. That means Kaylie, Garret, Chase, Nick, Sam, and us." said Bryan

"Wait, this dosen't mean I said yes, I'm just coming to know what it is about" I said frantically

"Yeah, don't worry we won't trick you" Brock said

"But aren't you bribing me with the book to make me help you"?

"Yeah, but tricking you into helping and bribing are two different things, also you didn't agree yet so it doesn't mean we bribed you yet"?

"Do you want me to say no, Brock"?

"Sorry, never mind"

We walked to the living room where everyone was seated and looking at me confused. Especially Chase he looked pretty uncomfortable, and so did I. He was staring at me strangely like he was... no it's certain he was checking me out.

When Brock and Bryan sat down so did I. I sat right dap in the middle of the two of them, and I don't know if this was what i saw, but it looked like Garrett was jealous? When Bryan started talking, Garrett snapped out of it quick.

I looked to Bryan and Brock. They were both gleaming with happiness. I can't tell if it was, because I would be helping them, or something else.

"So Aria said she'll help us" Bryan said and was happy to see all the wide-eyed faces across the room

"Might" I cut in after him

"Right, after she knows what it's about, then she'll help us" Bryan said "So lets get started, why don't you explain Kaylie"


Garrett's P.O.V

I was staring at Aria wondering why she was coming here with Bryan and Brock. They both had a smug look on pasted on their face. I wondered what happened. God I felt really weird after we talked. Although I can't help it, but not to leave her alone. She looks so mysterious and it's more like a good thing. Her features are all really eye catching to anyone who spots her. Those strong eyes, the color of midnight blue, her hair the darkest of all colors, but with a soft touch. Even thought her body weight is obviously very low, and she looks a little too skinny, but above all she looks so beautiful. Wait...What did I just say? God I was starring at her for who knows how long. I was basically checking her out. I felt embarrassed and ashamed, since this was the first time I check out a girl and she didn't even find any interest in me.

Bryan and Brock sat down as well as Aria. She was sitting right in the middle between the two. I probably had a jealous look on my face right now, but i couldn't help it. She intrigued me so much that I just wish she would be sitting in my lap right now. GOD...WHAT AM I THINKING!! This girl is making me go crazy and to start thinking about having her as my girlfriend. Wait...Damn! What the hell is wrong with me, I just thought about having her as my girlfriend, when have I wanted a girl I could call my own? ARRGH this is just frustrating.

"So Aria said she'll help us" Bryan said We all looked at him wide-eyed

"Might" Aria spoke after him

"Right, after she knows what it's about, then she'll help us" Bryan said "So lets get started, why don't you explain Kaylie"

"Okay" Kaylie said "So what were dealing with is a drug dealer and he is known for kidnapping a bunch of people so he can make them work for him. Sometimes other people just go to him when they need the money and drugs fast, but with working in a dangerous zone it's pretty normal that you could get yourself killed. Also the people that are kidnapped are mostly teen and young adults, and they can't even escape or else they'll just be killed anyway. Also there has been some women who have been also kidnapped from him. Even when he runs out of money he would kidnap a kid from some rich family to get some cash from as a bribe. It's horrible with what he does. I think there has been something said about him owning a private property, but no one knows where it's located." Kaylie said

"So do you know who the name of this Drug Dealer is" Aria asked

"No that's why were having so much trouble with this assignment" Kaylie said

"Well if this is what your help with is then..."

We were all waiting and hoping, but somewhere we thought that she might decline, because it kinda of looked like the things she wouldn't want to get involved in. But it fit her so perfectly to be apart of us.

"Yes, I'll help you guys"


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