Chapter 9

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SHH..... I'm in hiding

Chapter 9


Aria's P.O.V

It was finally my last class of the day. I was dreading for it the entire day. How can you be excited to go to a class where they have a secret that is being spies and obviously they are trying to find Cipher. Why couldn't I just be a normal teenager worrying about what people my talk about me? I sigh deeply while I enter the class room, but to me it looks more like a fancy hotel room. Most likely Garrett and Brock say the sigh I just let out and started grinning, but awkwardly seemed intrigued. Whatever, I just want to hurry and go home after school is over. 

I started to think about the new job I had gotten. Late last night a man named Drake Parker had called to inform me about a job that involved getting to find out who Kevin Burbank was. So far from my outside knowledge all I know about Kevin is that three years ago he used to be a drug dealer, now he owns a Private property, probably full of his thugs and hostages. I found from a little research I did after the call, that Kevin aducts and kidnapps women and children from rich familys to get money or sometimes just for personal reasons. After reading some of his background I wanted to say yes, cause honestly I already hate the guy. But to keep a low profile I need to wait and think about it more before I just come out and say yes. Since I have to remember that agent departments and gangs are looking for me. so it cold be a plot to make me come out of the shadows. Hey I may be over thinking this, but I rather be safe than sorry later.

"Hey, Aria what are you thinking so hard about"? Garrett asked taking me back to reality and notice where I was.

"Ummmm..... Stuff and yeah" I said, that may be a bad response, but isn't that how normaly a girl who gets caught thinking hard about something react, so maybe he'll believe the act.

"Okay, are you gonna just be lazy or do some work, cause you did disagree with the whole spy thing, but if you change your mind you could...."

'Nope, my answer is still no and will always be until I get out of this school" I said cutting Garrett off

"You mean when you graduate"? Garrett asked

"No probably in the next two mon..." Just then I relized what I was telling him.

"What your leaving in two months after you just came here one day ago"? Garrett asked now even more curious

"Forget it, not your place to get involved in my life" I spoke harshly

When I looked at Garrett's expression and face it had curiosity and hurt written over. I kinda felt guilty now that I snapped at him on purpose, just to make him drop the topic. I turned away from Garrett and moved to one of the many desks they had in this room with a computer on top of it. I pulled out my assignments and left it on the side, covering a file that had information on Kevin Burbank. If I have free time then I'm definatly going to find out more about Kevin, so taht when I do accept the offer I can be quick and fast in finishing the job, so if someone knows that I'm out to get him, they won't be able to trace me.


Garrett P.O.V

As I was walking into the SGC classroom I found Aria sighing deeply to herself as she went in. Me and Brock were grinning hariously, because I think everyone in the SGC found her amusing even the teacher. Speaking of that where is Kaite. I walked towards the fridge in the room and grabbed a drink thinking about what to search more about Cipher, when she or he is impossible to find when we don't the sex, apperance, and real name.

I was lost in my thoughts when I saw Aria in the corner of my eye leaning/ standing beside the couch thinking hard like she was wondering what to do with her future. I walked towards and not even a glance to me, so she was thinking really hard on what issue that was on her mind. I'm really curious as to what makes her thinking so much right now. I hope the phrase " Curiosity killed the cat" doesn't apply to this moment.

"Hey, Aria what are you thinking so hard about"? I asked

"Ummmm..... Stuff and yeah"? she replied coming back to earth and out of her thoughts

I became more suspicous after her reponse, it didn't seem like Aria would say something like that. Sure I only knew her for just one day, but you can tell at first glance that Aria is not a normal kid, or behaves like one. How there are actually a lot of smart people in this school, but none of them got into the SGC even if they wanted to or the taverin Scholarship. An averge smart girl couldn't do that unless she had connections with the government and the school. Heck, not even all the kids that are spies in this school are accepted in SGC, so I wonder why she is.

"Okay, are you gonna just be lazy or do some work, cause you did disagree with the whole spy thing, but if you change your mind you could...."

'Nope, my answer is still no and will always be until I get out of this school" she said cutting me off.

"You mean when you graduate"? I asked confused

"No probably in the next two mon..." she stopped when she relized what she was telling me.

"What your leaving in two months after you just came here one day ago"? I asked surprised even more. Why would she do that? she got into the best school, good classes and most of all got a full scholarship to go here.

"Forget it, not your place to get involved in my life" She replied sharply, and I admitt that when she said that I kinda felt guilty and a little hurt. I guess the pharse did apply in this moment, but instead of curiosity killing the cat, it wounded the soul.

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