Chapter 18

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SHH..... I'm in hiding

chapter 18


"So... Ria did you come back to us..?" Bryan asked after everyone stopped laughing and calmed down

"Yeah, I'm back.."


Garrett P.O.V

I couldn't believe what i had just heard. When, Aria said that she was Ria and actually remebered us; I had a huge emotional overflow. I wanted to laugh, and cry at the same time. Looking across the room; I could see that everyone felt the same way I did. I could see Kaylie and Chase on the verge of tears, and what surprised me the most was Rick. He was actually crying... I have never seen him cry since Ria's funeral and also when my dad had to tell him the horrible news of losing Ria.

I could still remeber the day even now, it's was a big meeting that everyone in the HQ and academy had to attend. Nobody was prepared for the tragic news that they were about to hear. Of course, everyone was very sadden and heartbroken, because of the loss of a true freind, no it was more of a loss of a loved family member. But, the way Rick had acted it was just even more crushing to everyone in the room. He cried and started to lose his control and for once his face showed nothing but of a weak child. Everyone was shocked when they saw his reaction, and it just made the feeling of lossing Ria and her parents worse. After, the funeral many of the people who worked in the HQ and Academy quit, because nobody could ever let the loss of Ria go and we knew that it would never happen. She was the biggest part of our lives.

Now she's back.

... And here to stay...

It didn't suprise me when all of us spent the whole day reconnecting our lives with Ria and asking her over and over agian if she was feeling okay, of course she said she was "fine".. but we get worried so much, because we only just got here back.

Now I understand why I always felt that sense of having Ria around, I mean I know that Brock was the first to notice Aria's simalarites towards Ria, but I talked once to the guys after the first day of school and asked if they also felt a sense of Ria in the school as well. And of course the answers were "Yes"...


Kaylee's P.O.V

I couldn't believe the amount of laughter that was going on throughout the room. Since, Ria was announced dead in the HQ, many couldn't handle the sadness and tension everyday, because Ria was basically would have been the top dog if she was still here. She was the best part of us doing what we do. The reason was because she still was the most down to earth person and never expected anything from us. She was satisfied with things we could or could not do, and it made people want to gain more praise from her, so many, pretty much all the boys tried to perfect their training in order to "impress" her. But what can I say, she was a young girl at the time and didn't have a care in the world for a romantic fantasy.

I feel that soon those 3 boys are gonna have a big fight over winning Aria's heart. I always knew that Garrett, Bryan, and Brock had the biggest crush on Aria and it was very obvious because every time they went to the school together, the boys would always try to walk side by side Aria and when one of the boys couldn't, of course they fought. But they still remained friends. It's funny actually how things ended up like this for Aria. She didn't want attention from the boys, and heck I would love it! But no... since I grew up with them my whole life, their more like my second set of brothers...

I wonder who's gonna win that lucky girl's heart.

But I know one thing for sure. Ricks is gonna have a hard time, not killing those boys... that protective guy is just .... Well can't help it; she's just that innocent looking.


Aria's P.O.V

 Throughout the whole day, everyone was basically asking repeatedly if I was okay or not, and I was. But I know where their coming from, so it's gonna be a long while, until everything settles down. I couldn't believe the things that had happened to the people at the HQ, when everyone had discovered that my family and I were "gone". It saddened me, but I hope that if word gets out that I'm still alive... I wonder if the people would come back.

"Hey, Aria how are you doing?" said Bryan. While I was laying down on the couch, he came over and picked up my legs and placed them on his lap.

"I'm fine... it's just..... a huge surprise." I said

"I know, but I'm glad that your here... because I missed you a lot."

"I would have missed all of you.. if I hadn't lost my memory... but now I can live life with you guys once more... right?"

"Yeah... and I don't want to regret not doing anything that I have been regretting when I heard you got into an accident..."

"... What's that? I don't know, what your talking about...?"

"Aria.... Will you consider me more than a childhood friend?"


Okay big surprise! Now that it's getting more romantic I'll try to upload more.

SORRY I haven't been on Wattpad for a long TIME! UGH. Sometimes I loved the Summer, but it's always WORK WORK WORK.... and during the rest of the seasons it's time for high school.

Please vote for the next upload!

I appreciate you guys! >_<

I decided that I will upload the next chapter to SHH...I'm in hiding, when I reach 80 Votes or 75 if it doesn't go up that high... Thanks :)

(By the way I changed the way I spell Kaylie's name to Kaylee, because apparently to Wattpad it's not a real "word", but I have a friend who's name is spelled that way.... ^_^)

- JennersXKimmers <3

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