SHH..... I'm in hidning: chapter 2

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SHH..... I'm in hiding


Chapter 2

Aria P.O.V

As I opened the door, I could hear the distance conversation of three people. The room was more like a storage room, dark, cold , and all metal. Then I saw another door. That's weird having a room inside a storage room. The door was slightly opened that I could see the light of the room and the three people talking but not their faces.

"So the agencies think that he's located in this school"? said one in the middle

"Yeah, apparently so" said one on the left

"But why?, I'm mean this is a famous school, If he is good at hid and seek then he wouldn't think of coming to a school like this" said the one in middle

"That's exactly why the agencies are sending us here, because they have some of the public and Private school's of the United States under their eye; except this one" said the one on the right

"Damn, why can't he just show up and the harder part is that they have no idea of what he looks like" said the one in the middle

"Lets not forget we have no information on him or even if he is a she" said the on one the left

"Though the people surely did give he/she a name" said the one on the right

The two boys attention went straight to the one on the right, looking surprised

"Well, what is it"? asked the one on the left

"Cipher" said the one on the right

Right then my blood went cold and I started thinking too deeply of this situation. I knew that many agencies where watching many of the schools in the United States, but how did they think or figure out that I might go to a school with the most attention of the country. I had to get out of this school or first this room before they find me here and get suspicious of me.

I slowly made my way out of the storage room careful of the surroundings. Then they had to come out and if I didn't mention this the storage room may have the name storage but their is no sign of any crap that this school may have to store. I stood still to make sure they were coming out and while I was waiting; I was planning my escape route. Then they moved out of the room and the lights went off, Lucky for me; I could probably get away easier now that the lights were out and the boys had no idea if I was here or not.

I could see their slight body shadow's as they made their way out, slowly I did as well trying to back track where I came in from, but since I could tell that their backs were faced forward to me; I was behind them. This pretty much surprised me if they were spies sent to find me, then how could they not noticed I was there that time they were talking. The agencies must be doubtful of their decision of sending them here when their was a possibility that I would not be here. Still all agencies in the U.S has to have well trained spies and they would first learn how to suspect a person.

Then I noticed how they weren't there, did they already go out the door? No, then I would have heard the door close. This isn't that good, and on the first day I had gotten myself into a mess. The things I do to mess up might be the simplest things. Note to self do not get too suspicious of anything, leads to more trouble then with the one I have. I sighed think how stupid I've been.

"Ahh...found the intruder" said someone behind me

I looked behind me and saw the lights of the storage room go up and to find the new transfer student with the blond hair looking at me. Crap! should have guessed it would have been them.

"Well, now what are we gonna do"? said another coming up behind him. I noticed he had blond hair as him but darker and with blue eyes

"Nothing left but to take her out" said the one with the lighter blond hair

"Wait" said another coming up; he was the other transfer student I saw at the front office, the one with brown hair and hazel eyes, "We should ask what she is and how she found this place"

"That's true and if we didn't have a lot to do as of now" said the one with darker blond hair

"Now, what's your name"? asked the one with lighter blond hair

"Nothing that you need to know of" I said and with that I ran out the room trying to head towards any where that had many students and teachers.

Damn it, I thought to myself, now that they knew I was there what am I gonna do to stay here and their here to find me. I worked really hard to get in here, since it's a rich school of course I'm on a scholarship, and I can't just leave they'd get really suspicious about me. What a great way to start a new school year. <sarcasm>


Bryan P.O.V

As we were going out the room, I could slightly see a small lingering shadow even the other boys noticed as well. That means there could be another spy sent here but not a part of are organization. We nodded to each other deciding to act like we didn't notice and we started walking for the door. I could tell that who ever it was had a fallen for our trap and didn't notice that we were gone until she/he looked up. Then I heard the sigh, which meant it was my cue.

"Ahh..... found the intruder" I said, then the lights came on, knowing it was Garrett who turned them on.

"Well, now what are we gonna do" said Garrett as he came up behind me

"Nothing left but to take her out" I said looking up to see that it was the new transfer student, she had very long black hair and it looked natural, also her eyes were the most interesting, mid-night blue eyes and it had hints of gray from the lighting. I was surprised that she wasn't freaking out like a normal person would if they been caught. She's pretty tough and her face doesn't show a hint of emotion. What's more is how skinny she is and it doesn't look like she does it on purpose.

"Wait" said Brock coming up behind me "We should ask what she is and how she found this place"

"That's true and if we didn't have a lot to do as of now" said Garrett

"Now, what's your name"? I said

"Nothing you need to know of" she said and ran out the door, fast.

I could tell that not only was I surprised but so were the others. She was very fast and her body didn't show any missed step of fear or panic. This might help us. If she were to be from another spy agency, then we could find Cipher or at least find out what he/ she looks like. Although if she doesn't belong to any spy agency then it be difficult to cooperate with her. But our agency might accept her into are organization, knowing her speed and composure. What more she could do, I had to find out; This might be as fun as it sounds.



Just a reminder that Cipher is Aria ;)

Also Bryan's the one with Blond hair from florida :D

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