SHH...I'm in hiding 3

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Chapter 3



             I ran all the way out the school and made sure that no one saw me rushing out the build. This was the worst possible day to find out about those three spies at school, if I found out later it wouldn't have probably ended like this. Ugh. Now what do I do? If I move of course they'll be suspicious of me and probably hunt me down knowing that I know something they don't. For now I guess I have no other choice than to stay in this school till they don't suspect anything. It would be better if I didn't see them or pay any attention to them, although since they saw me I guess that would be impossible. They wouldn't just leave a witness of a secretive meeting alone and not confront that person. Sometimes I feel so stupid for making a mistake out of the simplest thing in the whole world. I should go back since the bell for period 1 will be starting, but what if I have one of those guys in my class or heaven forbid classes.

I turned around to go back inside the school building. Jeez this school seriously looks as if it just go bigger and now that three people are probably out to get me and the secret me it just got a hell of a lot worse. When I walked in some kids were rushing to get to class, others were just going about their business looking as if they had something better to do than waste their time at school. Sometimes I wish I was like that as well, worrying about school or not worrying, and just having friends at school or wishing that school was over. But that couldn't happen now since I was the most wanted person in the crime business, either doing or helping. People were after me and I couldn't just pretend to be a 'normal' teen after having to be hidden and on the run for seven years while still doing my job. It's a hard life, but when I think about my parents it seems alright since they've been through things like this, but not as a teenager, which is differently harder for me. Since I hadn't even made too much memories of them together with me though I still remember their smiles and I'll never forget.

I looked away holding onto my backpack and headed towards the hall to find my first class. From the looks of my schuedule I had English first with Mrs. Daughterman, weird name but unique I like that sounds like a motherly person. I smiled to myself when I found the classroom ready to walk in. Obviously the teacher was laid back and nice since outside the class I could hear the loud conversations of the students.

I opened the door and walked inside, gaining the looks of curiousity and surprise from the students. I walked towards the teacher who was franticly looking for the attendence sheet, which was under the folder that was by her desk. I took it out not gaining an inch of her attention and held it in front of her face. It seem so that she was a new teacher. An a very young one at that, she could be about 25 or even less if her eyes weren't looking so frantic. when she noticed the attendance sheet she looked up at me with thankful eyes as if I just saved her from a fast moving train. Definitely 23 years at the least. I handed her my schedule since I was new to this class I wouldn't be listed on the attendance sheet yet.

"Thank you, Aria" she said still looking at me, "now we just have to wait till the others kids get back and we can start the introduction"

While she had said that the door opened loudly causing few giggles and laughter from the class. I turned to look and I saw the three guys who were shoving each other to get through the door and it seemed they came back after get a bunch of papers for the class. Then my mind quickly remembered; they were the three guys that were after me or 'Cipher'. Great I said sarcastically in my mind. Not only do I have to hide from them but I have to be around them, I looked up at the ceiling and said in my mind What did I ever do to deserve this?

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