Seducing My Homophobic Friends - Part Six

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Seducing Hayden

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Seducing Hayden

I waited almost a week after my experience with Dylan to decide on who I was going to go after next. I eventually settled on my friend Hayden. I had technically known him since we were in diapers. Our parents used to live next door to one another and the two of us grew up together. When we were in 6th grade his parents ended up moving to a nicer part of town and we ended up growing a little bit apart. He was still a member of the circle of friends, but he didn't hang out with us as much as the others did.

Hayden's personality is rather hard to describe. In front of other people he acts like a total asshole. He tries to show-off and doesn't hesitate to put people down, including his friends. One-on-one however he is a totally different person. He's kind and considerate and will gladly go out of his way for you. It really didn't make sense and we called him out on it often but he never changed.

The thing that worried me the most about Hayden was that he was unpredictable. If I sucked his dick, he's the type of guy that might just blurt that out in front of our friends if I refused to do him a favor or something. I had to make sure that whatever happened, it wasn't something he was going to admit in front of people. I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag before I moved away.

I messaged him after dinner and invited him over for the night. He had mentioned that we should hang out as much as we could before I moved so I knew that he would take me up on the offer. He responded almost immediately that he was on his way and that he was going to bring some pizzas for later. We had a bad habit of staying up all night playing video games when he came over.

Hayden spent a few minutes chatting with my parents when he arrived. It still boggled my mind that he was so polite when he wasn't hanging out with a group of people. I suspected it was due to some sort of insecurity that he had, but as often as I brought it up with him, he had no interest in changing his ways.

After spending a little time with my parents, we retired to my room. I still hadn't planned out how I was going to make my move on Hayden. I really didn't want it to backfire and was nervous about simply going for his dick. He made himself comfortable on my bed and grabbed a controller.

"Mind if I fire up 2k?" he asked.

"Nah go for it." I made myself comfortable on the other side of the bed. It only took Hayden a few minutes to get completely engrossed in the game. I decided to test the waters and pulled out my phone. I opened PornHub and picked a lesbian video. A few seconds after it started, the audio caught Hayden's attention and he paused the game.

"What the fuck are you watching?" he leaned over to look. "You're just going to casually watch porn while I play 2k?"

"Do you mind?" I asked.

"Nah man. Have at it." he unpaused the game and went back to playing.

"Do you think that chicks watch videos of two dudes fucking?" I asked.

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