Seducing My Homophobic Friends - Part Eleven

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Seducing Connor

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Seducing Connor

I had made it to the final friend. I can honestly say that I had no idea how this one was going to go.

Connor is a difficult guy to describe. He skateboards. He vapes. He takes his dick out almost as often as Jack. He pulled the fire alarm at school once because he was bored. He draws in his spare time. Oh yeah, and he knits when he's bored. Yeah... like, makes scarves and shit.

We've all been friends with him for a decade and we still don't understand him sometimes.

There is one thing that I learned about fishing growing up. It is important to use the right bait.

I dialed his cell. "Hey Connor, I just got some amazing weed and some fresh dab carts. Want to head to the lake and smoke up?"

"You crack me up Chase. Do I want to go smoke with you? Are you serious right now? Why the fuck aren't you already here picking me up? Yes I want to fucking smoke with you! Why would you even ask me that?" the call ended. Yup, that's Connor.

I hopped in my car and swung by his house. He was already standing outside waiting. He had a backpack, his skateboard and a bottle of Moxie.

"Dude, do you really think you're going to need your skateboard to walk down a dirt path in the woods to smoke weed?" I asked.

"Absolutely. What if a wild boar attacks us? I can beat the shit out of him with the skateboard." he didn't hesitate in his response, almost as if he had actually brought it for that purpose. "Want a sip?" he held out the bottle of Moxie.

"No thanks, I don't enjoy liquid black licorice mixed with asshole." I rolled my eyes.

"Really? That's my favorite combo." he pulled a lighter out of his pocket and a bottle rocket out of his backpack. He proceeded to light the bottle rocket and hold it out the window of the car. It screamed off into the night sky with a pop.

"Dude seriously? Are you trying to draw attention to us?"

"Sorry." he put the lighter back into his pocket. This is why we didn't invite Connor to hangout with us sometimes.

Connor was around 5'10" and if I had to guess I would say he might have weighed 140 pounds with his backpack on. He hardly ever ate... mostly just drank energy drinks or Moxie. He refused to go to the gym with us. Said it was a waste of time, but due to all the skateboarding he did, his body was actually pretty shredded. Tyler called it 'skinny boy jacked'.

He had dirty blond hair that sometimes had a strange color streak dyed in it. He had big brown eyes that he used to his advantage whenever he got in trouble. He would do the sad doe eyes and people would feel sorry for him.

Even though it was summer, he was wearing long pants. He never wore shorts unless he was going into a pool. He tended to wear tight pants, rarely jeans. He usually had a pair of Vans or something similar on his feet. He tended to have a button-up long sleeve top on, but he usually left it unbuttoned with a wife beater underneath. Tonight it was a red plaid shirt over a white wife beater. Even though I was pretty sure he wasn't trying to be stylish, he actually pulled off some decent looking outfits.

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