Seducing My Homophobic Friends - Part Eighteen

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Dylan's Third Afterglow

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Dylan's Third Afterglow

I couldn't concentrate at work. My mind kept wandering back to Tyler. I debated if I should tell any of the guys. As tempting as it was, I decided to hold off. I figured Tyler and I might want to do that together in person.

About an hour before finishing my shift at the coffee shop I sent Tyler a text telling him how much I was looking forward to spending the night with him tonight.

I wasn't surprised when I didn't get an immediate response, but on my way to my shift at Target I noticed that he'd opened the message but hadn't responded. I tried calling him but it immediately went to voicemail.

My stomach suddenly dropped. He was having second thoughts. I knew that it was stupid to go beyond a harmless hookup. Why the fuck had I let myself get so carried away?

Dude, if you're having second thoughts I totally get it. It was a bad idea to rush into this. Just text me back so I know what you're thinking.

The hours kept ticking by without a response. I was beginning to get knots in my stomach. It was quarter past 8 when I got a text from Dylan.

What the fuck happened to Tyler?

My heart froze. What do you mean?

I just stopped by his house to see if he wanted to grab some food and his brother said that he moved out and is on the way to the airport with his parents.

I instantly understood what was going on. I glanced at the clock. I still had a few minutes left on my shift. I ran to the bathroom and hid in a stall. My hands were trembling as I typed a reply to Dylan. They must have found out that he's gay...

Dylan didn't miss a beat. Fuck, did you two get caught or something?

No... at least not that I know of. I get out of work in a minute. Can I meet up with you? I'm freaking out.

Yeah. I'm coming to you.

I watched the seconds tick away and clocked out the second it hit 8:30. Dylan's car was sitting just outside the doors as I made my way out. He motioned for me to jump in.

"Dude, what the fuck is going on?" I asked, my voice sounded strangely shrill.

"I don't know. His brother just said that he got into a huge fight with his parents about something and they were putting him on a plane to somewhere."

I pulled out my phone and tried calling him again. It dumped to voicemail again.

Please stop calling me. I don't want to have to block your number.

I stared in disbelief at my phone. I held it so that Dylan could see.

"Dude, what the fuck is up with that?" he seemed as shocked as I was. "Did you guys have a falling out?"

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