Seducing My Homophobic Friends - Part Ten

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Jack's Afterglow

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Jack's Afterglow

After fucking Jack in the shower, I was a wild mixture of emotion. I was excited by what had happened, shocked that he went as far as he had, proud of myself for being able to hook up with a straight guy, and confused by the unexpected flood of feelings.

Let me explain my history of relationships. I had two serious girlfriends in high school. The first one was a terrible relationship. We weren't good for one another. I brought out the worst in her and she brought out the worst in me. We spent more time fighting than enjoying one another's company. She ended up cheating on me. I think she did it mainly to pay me back for accusing her of cheating on me when she hadn't.

After her, I had a series of meaningless flings, some of which were fun, some of which I regretted. Eventually I found a girl that was a good match. We had fun together. We smiled. We laughed. We were good for one another. But, I always found myself thinking back to my first girlfriend. I was constantly comparing my new girl to my old girl in my mind. Every time we had fun together, I secretly thought it would have been more fun with my old girlfriend.

I realized that I wasn't giving her what she deserved as a boyfriend and told her that we should break up. She was confused and surprised at first, but I explained that I was messed up and not ready for a relationship yet. She understood and we remained friends.

When I decided to make a move on Jack I was fairly certain something would happen. I fully wanted to hook up with him. I was prepared for what that meant.

I wasn't prepared when later that night I picked up my phone to text him to see what he was up to and found myself blushing. There were butterflies in my stomach. What the fuck? Honestly, Jack wasn't even my type. I was all about the sweet, tender, caring people. Not the players.

I set my phone down. I wasn't going to text him. There would be no catching feels for my friends. 'Ding!' my phone lit up.

I grabbed it. One new message from Jack. Hey, what's up?

The butterflies came back. NMU

Just making sure we're on the same page about keeping that between us.

I should have seen it coming, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make my heart sink a little.

Yeah dude. Not looking for people to know about that shit. It was the truth. I didn't want everyone to know about me, at least not yet.

There was a long pause. I hadn't expected the conversation to end so quickly. I guess he didn't feel like chatting, just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to tell the guys.

'Ding!' Cool. LMK when you want to try taking it.

I read it a few times to make sure I was understanding what he was saying. Like when I want to have you to fuck me?

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