(Chapter 02)

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We had finished discussing matters which seemed to be taking forever but everything was settled we would be staying for 2 months or less if we get through everything quickly.

Edith was now in the room they had provided which was very beautiful the carvings and architecture was just mesmerizing.

There was going to be a big feast and Edith was changing into something more appropriate she changed into a lavender colored dress with gold glittering seams in it. The dress was decorated my white flowers that made dress look complete.

It was no doubt lavender was her favorite color it was her signature scent after all she always smelled like it.

Erebor was much different from Rivendell but still lovely though it was... very high it was located on a mountain after all but nonetheless the kingdom was very enchanting.

So far everyone was very welcoming and the dwarven maids were very nice and she just liked everything.

Elrond was also doing the same with dressing appropriately for such an occasion we were guests here after all and wanted to dress nicely.

Edith braided her hair leaving a couple of loose strands for some flow since her hair was a bit wavy and very long.

She sat down in the bed to get a feel of it, it was most definitely very soft the blankets were fluffy also pretty weighted and thick they were meant for dwarves after all but for an elf well we'd probably suffocate in our sleep if we had such weighted blankets.

A Knock at the door startled me a bit and she got up walking towards the door my footsteps barely being audible at all she opened the door to see Elrond and I smiled

"Uncle, you look wonderful!" She exclaimed and her smiled "Is it time for the feast already?" She asked

"Yes, it is in fact already time" he answered and with that we were walking down the hall

"Erebor is such a sight is it not?" Elrond's asked looking at the carving in the wall and dimly lit halls

"Oh it's just wonderful uncle" Edith stated in a bit of excited tone he smiled at my excite realizing it was a good idea for her to come along side with him.

Edith was not paying much attention zoning out as she stared at the writing in khuzdul and as she went to face forward she ran into something rather rough this caused her to rub her forehead a bit before looking at who she had ran into

In realizing she had ran into prince Thorin she dipped her head down in a bow "My apologies prince Thorin I was not paying much attention" she said looking at the dwarven prince infront of her before squinting her eyes slightly then taking a step back

Thorin looked at her and flashed her a charming smile before also dipping his head in a bow "no need to apologize lady Edith, Erebor is pretty much one of a kind" he stated looking around himself at this point Elrond had continued letting us talk

"Oh yes it's very beautifully though very different from Rivendell" she answered looking at his icy blue eyes as his locked with her forest green ones he raised a brow and cleared his voice.

"Shall we get to the feast?" He questioned and she  nodded "Yes we shall" Edith answered as we continued walking the sound of his heavy boots echoing through the vastly intricate halls filled her ears

Thorin couldn't tell if the sound of his heavy boots muffled the sound of my footprints because he couldn't hear her footsteps behind him so he stopped as she continued walking but she stopped beside him with a raised brow

There was no sound at all... she walked very silently if he was not openly aware that she was behind him he would have never know

"Is something wrong prince Thorin?" She asked a bit worried on why he suddenly came to a stop

"Do not worry princess it's just you don't make any sound when walking" he stated as he continued to walk once again

"Oh it's just pretty common with elves were light in foot and walk silently" she answered

And this sparked another question within Thorin though he didn't think it would be appropriate to ask.

"M'lady I hope I do not mean to offend you in any way but why are you much shorter than an average elf?" He asked if was obvious he had been wondering about his for a while.

"Do not worry, I get this question a lot my mother was human so I'm not as tall as an elf but I still carry most of elvish features except for one more thing" Edith explained as she walked beside him she looked at the walls before squinting her eyes to see the words

He looked at her rather expectantly And that is...?" He questioned looking at her she was most definitely very beautiful

"Well all elves have very creamy smooth skin with not a hint of body hair.... But I'm less fortunate" she answered holding her arm out to show the light hair that was on her arms, it was only noticeable due to it being pretty dark and he skin was a very light color.

"You say it as if it's a bad thing M'lady" he said looking at me "Oh but it is... well for me" she stated for some reason she expected him to say something like that dwarven women had beards and body hair so she figured he had no problem.

Thorin raised a brow looking ahead for dwarves body hair was such a normal thing even dwarrowdams had beards and body hair all over "I don't mind" he answered looking at her

Edith smiled looking at him "It's just very odd in elven standards Thorin you wouldn't understand" she said with a sigh glancing at him then glancing back

And the conversation was left at that.

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