(Chapter 17)

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(60 years later)

Even after 60 years Edith never got over what happened it was like it had happened yesterday she always woke up with the same nightmare the destruction of Erebor.

It had changed her greatly what she had witnessed was something she would never forget her uncle seemed to get over it just fine though he seemed a bit paranoid sometimes.

After the incident Edith cut her hair very short it was only a bit past her shoulders but as 60 years passed it grew back but not as long it barely reached her waist by a couple inches or two.

She was no longer as lively as she once was the happy glint that once adorned her beautiful eyes no longer showed.

After Elrond lost 2 of his guards in the destruction he became weary not bringing his soldiers into battle much.

So much had happened for Edith in the past 60 years turns out fang wasn't a dog he was a wolf and was huge though not as big as a warg but still huge.

Fang was fierce he was not the same puppy who feared and coward away from dragon fire though she could not blame him he did not understand what was going on.

Though his fur never grew back as thick where he had been burned. And Edith had a scar from where she had gotten cut.

He was huge and fierce and also was used as look out sometimes due to his heightened senses he was Edith's little warrior.

She loved fang greatly and sometimes would stare at the collar Thorin gifted him all those years ago

Oh how she missed him though she betrayed his trust she wanted to help him truly she did but Elrond was right what could she do?

Though most of her anger went towards Lord thranduil he had an army of soldiers ready and didn't even help a bit he offered no food no hospitality no remorse.

It embarrassed her how he could act such a way and not do anything to help often she would think to the times she shared with Thorin.

Though she did not wear the courting beads anymore she always kept them safe and close it would pain her if she lost them they were still intact despite many years

Edith could not do much at Rivendell anymore though she never did anything before her trip to erebor made her realize she missed out on so much she was 2,519 years old and all those years were wasted on her doing absolutely nothing.

The time she spent in erebor was the only time she had ever done something Elrond restricted her more out of fear he knew what she went through and didn't want her getting her if she went out fang would have to go along side a guard which she hated.

Nothing was fun anymore she missed going out visiting dale sometimes she thinks about what Thorin would be up to did he settle down somewhere is he still on the move or the worse did he die...?

She had no idea what could be going on in his life but she knew about hers and she knew she would not wait at Rivendell for something interesting to happen she was going to leave.

Though it pained her to leave her uncle it was something she had to do for herself she would leave tonight and take fang with her of course.

She would just have to wait till night fall on her journey to Erebor and back she mesmerized some paths so she knew where to go once she escaped.


Night fall had now fallen and Edith was in her room packing some things clothes food for her and fang and ect.

The night was quiet with only the sound of the occasional cricket sound she opened the door to her room exiting along side fang hoping he would stay quiet.

Getting outside wasn't the easiest guards still patrolled the area so she climbed out one of the windows that was closest to the ground fang jumped out after her landing with a thud.

She walked carefully along the grass she stopped looking around her it was dimly lit by the beautiful fire flies.

She walked to the stables to retrieve her stallion named rocky she ushered rocky to quiet down as she mounted him.

Now the journey to who knows where begins she was glad she packed a lot though she only had to weapons on her, her bow and a dagger.

Though fang also could protect she still saw him as her little baby she had taken such a liking to fang and fang took such a liking to her they were inseparable.

The sun was now on the rise and they had traveled to what had seemed for hours already.

She traveled over a grassy lane stopping occasionally to feed fang or to give her stallion a rest this wasn't easy at all and she knew her uncle would wake up soon enough and go to her room to only find her and most of her belongings missing.

Though she did not know if he would send guards in search for her she hoped not she did not want to return not just yet.

She arched a brow when fang stopped abruptly standing ground she also stopped reading an arrow in her fine elven bow.

Over past 60 years the elven healers fixed her blurry vision so no more squinting to get a clear shot.

She looked around taking in all her surrounding waiting for something to come out.

The rustling of leaves were heard and she almost let her arrow fly but when she saw rabbits emerge from the leaves she stopped though fang didn't get the memo

He bared his teeth and snarled at the rabbits that were carrying a sleigh and a wizard?

"Fang stop" she demanded and he licked his lips sitting down still keeping an eye on the person "Uh, hello...?" She said a bit in a questioning tone at the odd wizard in front of her.

"Ah, hello Radagast at your service what are you doing out here by yourself it's not safe" he said looking around wearily

"Princess Edith at yours, I'm just finding a place to stay" she admitted glancing at fang who seemed to calm down now sniffing at a rabbit poor things seemed to be scared senseless.

Radagast seemed a bit stunned "Princess Edith!?" He exclaimed in a bit of a surprise as to what she was doing so far away from Rivendell "Why are you so far from your homeland?" He questioned

"I've run away" I stated shooting a hard glance at fang who attempted to take the rabbit in its mouth he whined huffing out

"I'm guessing you have no where to stay?" He asked also now looking at fang with a questionable look

"Yeah, I don't have any place to stay at the moment" Edith said running her fingers through her stallions mane.

"I can offer hospitality though it would not be much" he stated

Edith looked at him pondering for a moment he did not look threatening so why not? "As long as I have a place to stay" she smiled and he nodded.

(I hope you're enjoying these chapters pls vote and comment!)

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