II| Picture of Predicaments

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Devil to pay - seeing no clear way out of a situation
Bum-squabble - to be baffled, confused, or puzzled


  “Oi Dareth.”


  “About time we fish, don’t ye think?” Cole asked the day the Bounty was sailing to the empire.

  It hasn't been long since the crew left from an island where they gathered resources for themselves.

  They collected boiled water, wood for repairs, coconuts and sugar canes, several fruits like mangoes and bananas, crabs they worked so hard to capture from a rocky shore, and fish they had hauled right before their departure.

  It had been days, and those said resources have decreased in a short span of time. But if anyone were to check, they would say they still have enough food to feed them for a few days.

  From the quarter deck, Lloyd nodded and waved his hand when Dareth looked up to him for approval. He watched the barbecuer make his way toward the stairs to the berth.

  “Don’t we still have enough from our last fish?” The blond asked.

  Dareth shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, the more the merrier,” he said right before disappearing from the captain’s eyes.

  Lloyd turned to navigate Cole, who seemed to be approaching the two sailors sitting on the floor with several pieces of papers laid right in front of them.

  What’s up with the sudden suggestion?

  The noiret pirate crouched down on the space beside Kai. He shifted his head to look at the brunet’s face and held back from chuckling.

  The merman’s totally in the zone; he’s got his brows drawn together and tongue between his teeth, doing his utmost best trying to redraw the poorly stitched up charts that was completely ruined during the battle with Yang. He’s drawing on a large piece of paper, and his work looked like they were made by a mere toddler (with holes from when he pressed the pen too hard).

  Zane’s sitting right across from them, and he too, was really focused on trying to fix the ruined chart while using as little glue as possible. He seemed to be as fresh as a daisy, compared to Kai who’s intensively glaring at the paper.

  “Kai, are you sure you haven’t found a small artwork somewhere within these papers?” asked Zane, glancing at the pile of scrolls, abandoned charts, and whatever beside them. The pieces of the charts were within them before they organised it.

  “I’m sure I haven’t.” Kai squinted his eyes at his own work. “Maybe it got washed away or blown up with the other Bounty?”

  Zane hummed. He moved his attention to the pile of discarded papers, noticing Cole’s presence as he did so. “Oh, Rocky.”

  Rocky smiled at him. “Yo.”

  “Greetings, ever seen a small piece of artwork somewhere?” Zane drew a small rectangle in the air. “It’s a picture of a kraken looming over an island with ink everywhere.”

  Now, Zane knew Cole wasn’t exactly the type to keep drawings like those, his own drawings yes, but messy ones not. He didn’t seem to be interested in theories or anything like it.

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