VI| Where are You?

75 5 22

Warning! Arguments and verbal abuse (angy language rawr)



  Right by his feet, fragments of light break through the growing crevices as it continues to loom over the dark expanse he’s in.

  Kai blows the strand of hair hovering over his eye, adjusts his grip on the swords, and readies himself behind the vault-tight gates opening for him.

  From the outside, he can hear people cheering and chanting for him. “Red! Red! Red! Red!” The words resonate throughout the whole gladiator arena — or if he would use the merfolk’s words..

  The Slither Pit.

  The gleam touches his knees. He confidently plays and twirls the katana around his right hand, standing with all his weight on one side and with a face of boredom.

  Don’t let that fool you, he’s absolutely shitting bricks. If you look closely enough in the dark, you can see dots forming on his neck and arms and that he’s breathing unevenly.

  What is he doing here again?

  An exasperated sigh.

  Kai had a dream last night.

  Well, that dream, to be specific.

  You know, that dream where he has a conversation with a voice claiming to be not just any merfolk.

  “Are you certain you want to know what will happen?”

  Kai smiled at no one in particular. Once again, stuck inside a dark barrel with nothing to see and nothing to do. It’s like the size was perfectly made for him, to seal him away from the world.

  “You said I won’t remember anything by the time I wake up, if I recall correctly.” He responded to the voice, fiddling with his own fingers and playing with the hem of his sleeves as he did.

  “Even so, you will remember everything once you’re back here,” she said. Her voice seemed disoriented (like multiple people speaking at the same time) and somewhat bigger and ghostly, but he doesn’t pay heed to it.

  And the merman knew that.

  He could clearly remember every single thing that had happened when he first had a conversation with this strange entity keeping him company. It didn’t seem like she’s there to relay him a message nor a warning or anything. She’s just… there, with knowledge.

  Intertwining all of his fingers with one another and stretching them, he mumbled, “I just… feel like I should know something.”

  “Well… what would you like to know in particular?”

  The brunet pondered for a moment — actually, basked in the idea of who he had just thought about, more of. He gnawed on his tongue before answering, “About my friend.”

  That’s absolutely weird, what happened? Why couldn’t he remember anything from his waking life? Why was he suddenly so… so eager for this person? Perhaps the logic works vice versa here too.

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