Beach Day PT 1 - L.G.B

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The sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink as Lucy Gray Baird stood at the edge of the beach, her eyes wide with wonder. For a girl who had never left District 12 except for the grim arena of the Hunger Games, the sight of the vast expanse of the sea was a revelation. The Covey, including Lucy's devoted lover Y/N, had decided to take a vacation at the beach, and Lucy was like a child seeing the world for the first time.

The Southern belle with a fierce charm, was now a wide-eyed innocent. Y/N couldn't help but tease her a bit, knowing how tough and formidable Lucy could be. "Well, well, Lucy Gray Baird, looks like the big, bad Covey girl is a bit out of her element," Y/N chuckled, playfully nudging her lover.

Lucy shot a glare at Y/N but couldn't hide the smile playing on her lips. "Just wait till I build a sandcastle that puts all these fancy Capitol folks to shame," she retorted, the snarky charm still intact.

Lucy, having shed her shoes and socks, felt the sand beneath her toes for the first time. "Feels like a million tiny tributes giving me a foot massage," she joked, wiggling her toes and earning a round of laughter from the Covey.

Maud Ivory, still bubbling with excitement, grabbed Lucy's hand and dragged her towards the water. "Come on, Lucy Gray! Let's make the biggest sandcastle ever!"

Lucy followed, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I hope you're ready for some serious District 12 architecture, Maudie. Capitol's got nothing on us."

As the Covey settled on the beach, Y/N took a moment to appreciate the sheer joy on Lucy's face. "I never thought I'd see the day when Lucy Gray Baird becomes a beach bum," Y/N remarked, earning an indignant look from Lucy.

"I'm a Covey girl, Y/N. We adapt to any terrain. Besides, it's not every day you get to dip your toes in the sea without someone trying to kill you," Lucy quipped, and the Covey erupted in laughter.

The sandcastle construction began with Maude Ivory leading the charge, and Lucy providing her "expert" advice on the architecture. "That turret needs to be at least twice as high, Maudie. We want those Capitol folks to feel inadequate when they see it," Lucy instructed, earning an amused glance from Y/N.

As the sandcastle took shape, Lucy couldn't resist sneaking up on Y/N and burying her in the sand. "Consider this a warning to all who dare challenge the sandcastle queen," she declared, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Y/N emerged from the sand, brushing it off with a mock glare. "You've just declared war, Baird. The sand is my ally now."

The day rolled on with laughter, games, and the occasional dive into the refreshing waves. Lucy, ever the entertainer, had the Covey in splits with her anecdotes from District 12 and her unique take on Capitol fashion. "I once saw a Capitol lady wearing a hat so big, she needed a map to navigate through doorways. I thought she was auditioning for the role of a mobile garden," Lucy quipped, and the Covey burst into laughter.

As the sun began its descent, Lucy and Maude Ivory decided to venture further into the sea. The waves playfully lapped at their legs, and Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom she'd never experienced before.

Then came the infamous twig incident. As Lucy let out a scream that could rival a Jabberjay's cry, Y/N sprinted to her side. "What happened? Are you okay?" Y/N asked, scanning the water for any sign of danger.

Lucy, holding the innocent twig like a trophy, retorted, "It was a sneak attack, Y/N! I've never faced such a formidable opponent."

The Covey erupted into laughter. Y/N, shaking her head, couldn't help but marvel at Lucy's ability to turn the simplest moments into a grand adventure.

The day concluded with the Covey gathered around a bonfire, the flames casting a warm glow on their faces. Lucy, wrapped in a cozy blanket, leaned into Y/N. "Who knew the beach could be so much fun?" she mused, her eyes reflecting the flickering fire.

Y/N planted a soft kiss on Lucy's forehead. "With you, Lucy Gray Baird, every day is an adventure."

And as the laughter continued into the night, echoing along the shore, Y/N couldn't help but be grateful for the unexpected joy that Lucy had brought into her life. A fierce girl from District 12, now the heart of their Covey family's seaside escapade.

The bonfire crackled and danced as Lucy Gray Baird snuggled into Y/N's side, the warmth of the flames casting a soft glow on their faces. Tamp Amber, always the mischievous one, couldn't resist a chance to tease Lucy. "Look at our fierce District 12 girl turning into a softie. Who would've thought?" he chuckled, earning an annoyed glance from Lucy.

Lucy shot back, "Watch it, Tamp. You've seen what I can do with a bow. Don't make me use it for target practice on your big mouth."

The Covey erupted into laughter, enjoying the banter. However, Tamp Amber, known for pushing boundaries, continued to poke at Lucy. "Come on, Lucy. We all know you're all bark and no bite. Probably scared of a little twig in the sea," he goaded, a sly grin on his face.

Lucy, now fully irritated, shot up from her spot. "You've got a death wish, Tamp. Keep it up, and I'll make sure your next visit to the sea involves a swim with the real monsters."

Tamp Amber, unfazed, retorted, "I'd like to see you try, District 12."

The playful banter escalated into a full-blown argument. Snarky comments were exchanged like arrows in a heated battle, and before anyone could react, Lucy and Tamp Amber were in a physical altercation.

Y/N, frustrated with the unnecessary drama, jumped to her feet. "Enough, you two!" she shouted, her voice cutting through the night air. But Lucy, fueled by her fiery spirit, stormed off the beach towards their cabin a bit further away.

Tamp Amber, still smirking, couldn't resist taking another jab. "Looks like Lucy's finally showing her true colors. A softie can't handle a little rough play."

Y/N's patience snapped. In a swift motion, her fist connected with Tamp Amber's face, silencing him instantly. The Covey, stunned by the sudden turn of events, watched as Y/N stood over Tamp Amber with a glare that could rival the Capitol's Peacekeepers.

"Don't you dare disrespect Lucy like that again," Y/N warned, her voice low and dangerous.

The rest of the Covey rushed in, trying to defuse the situation. Maud Ivory, still holding a bucket of seashells from their earlier beachcombing, stepped forward. "Guys, we're here to enjoy our vacation. Let's not ruin it with unnecessary fights."

Y/N, breathing heavily, shot one last glare at Tamp Amber before storming off after Lucy. The Covey exchanged worried glances, realizing that the atmosphere had shifted from playful banter to tension.

In their cabin, Lucy paced back and forth, frustration etched on her face. Y/N entered, closing the door behind her. "Lucy, you know he's just trying to get under your skin. Don't let him ruin our vacation," Y/N pleaded, reaching out to touch Lucy's arm.

Lucy sighed, her anger subsiding in the warmth of Y/N's touch. "I know, Y/N. But sometimes, that boy just knows how to push all the wrong buttons."

Y/N pulled Lucy into a comforting hug, murmuring words of reassurance. Meanwhile, back on the beach, the Covey gathered to discuss how they could salvage the remainder of their vacation, vowing to put an end to unnecessary conflicts and focus on creating lasting memories by the sea.

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