Goddess with feelings - Anthea

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In the heart of Philadelphia, within the bustling halls of the university, lived Y/N Montgomery, a bright and kind student immersed in the captivating world of history and Greek mythology. Known for her sweetness and adoration of animals, especially dogs, Y/N found solace in the tales of the past.

Meanwhile, Anthea, also a student at the same university, delved into the complexities of bioengineering. Unbeknownst to her peers, she carried a divine secret — she was the daughter of Atlas, capable of manipulating time. Anthea, preferring to blend in as an ordinary student, adopted the name Anne and kept her divine lineage concealed.

Despite her extraordinary abilities, Anne rarely used her powers, fully aware of the potential dangers they posed. Her heart, however, harbored an entirely different secret – an unspoken crush on the sweet and adorable Y/N. The two had never spoken, and Anne, with her limited understanding of human emotions, struggled to decipher the feelings that stirred within her.

One fateful day, as Y/N faced the torment of bullies, Anne witnessed the injustice unfold. Unable to stand idly by, she felt an unfamiliar surge of protectiveness for Y/N, prompting her to consider using her powers to intervene. Yet, fear of revealing her true identity and the consequences that might follow held Anne back.

The university courtyard echoed with the cruel laughter of the bullies as they circled around Y/N, who desperately tried to retrieve her broken glasses. Anne, observing from a distance, felt a surge of anger and determination. She approached the scene with a newfound confidence, her eyes reflecting a glint of power she had never revealed before.

"Hey, back off!" Anne declared, her voice unwavering as she stepped between the bullies and the distressed Y/N. She gently bent down, picking up the broken glasses and handing them back to Y/N, her eyes locked onto the offenders.

One of the bullies, a tall and imposing figure, smirked at Anne. "What are you gonna do, sweetheart? You gonna cry to the professors? Little miss perfect can't handle a little teasing?"

Anne, however, remained composed. "I suggest you leave her alone. You won't like the consequences if you don't," she warned, her tone carrying an unspoken gravity.

The bullies burst into laughter, mocking Anne's threat. "Consequences? What's this nerd gonna do, cast a spell or something?" one of them jeered.

Anne's expression remained stern. "You really don't want to find out," she replied, her eyes glinting with an otherworldly intensity. Unbeknownst to the bullies, time itself seemed to hesitate in the presence of the mysterious Anne.

The atmosphere grew tense as the bullies hesitated, sensing an inexplicable shift in the air. Y/N, grateful yet bewildered by the unexpected intervention, watched with wide eyes as Anne stood her ground. The quiet determination in Anne's eyes hinted at a power beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.

The bullies, however, continued to scoff. "Come on, let's go. This is getting weird," one of them said, dismissing Anne's warning with a nervous chuckle. They dispersed, leaving Y/N and Anne alone in the aftermath of the confrontation.

Anne turned towards Y/N, her expression softening as she offered a reassuring smile. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice carrying a genuine concern that transcended her lack of understanding of human emotions.

Y/N, still processing the surreal encounter, managed a nod. "Yeah, thanks... Anne, right?"

Anne nodded in confirmation, a subtle warmth blossoming within her as she realized that, for the first time, she had taken a step beyond the boundaries of her divine anonymity to protect someone she cared about.

Y/N gingerly accepted her repaired glasses from Anne, but as their eyes met, she noticed an inexplicable glint of golden light in Anne's eyes. It was a brief, ethereal shimmer that caught Y/N off guard, leaving her momentarily stunned.

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