Hollywood vs basketball *PART 6*

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With her outfit chosen and a sense of readiness settling in, Y/N decided to pull her hair into a messy ponytail. The casual yet stylish look complemented the overall vibe she was going for. As she stepped out of the bathroom, the playful sounds of the Wii game filled the air, accompanied by the unmistakable voice of her little sister.

Elena's exclamation, "You're a bitch for shooting a banana in front of my race car!" echoed through the living room, causing Y/N to burst into laughter. She couldn't help but find amusement in the animated gaming scene before her.

Y/N walked into the living room, witnessing the dramatic exchange between Julie and Elena. The two were deeply engrossed in their game, each accusing the other of foul play. Elena, with her competitive spirit, wasn't holding back.

Still chuckling, Y/N decided to interject, "Elena, we don't use that language, especially with guests. Julie is trying her best."

Elena, unfazed and sticking to her guns, shot back, "But she's cheating!"

Julie, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, teased, "Hey, it's called strategic gameplay, little one."

Y/N, stern but amused, wagged a finger at her sister. "No name-calling, Elena. Be nice."

With a huff, Elena crossed her arms but mumbled a half-hearted apology. Y/N, enjoying the lively banter, couldn't help but appreciate the dynamic between her best friend and her baby sister.

As Y/N warned her baby sister about the language and stepped in front of the TV to get their attention, both Julie and Elena groaned in unison. Y/N chuckled at their playful protests, feeling a sense of warmth at the sight of the two most important people in her life engaged in their own little world.

With a serious expression, Y/N told Elena, "I'm about to leave in 10 minutes, okay? If you need anything – snacks, drinks – ask Julie. And be nice. No teasing Lexa, got it?"

Elena, looking a bit disappointed at the prospect of Y/N leaving, nodded reluctantly. "Fine, but only because you're going on a date with a movie star."

Y/N smiled, ruffling Elena's hair affectionately. "Not a movie star, just a coffee date. And no sodas after 4. You know what happens when you're hyperactive."

Julie, joining the conversation, chimed in, "Don't worry, Y/N. I've got everything under control. We'll have a blast, won't we, Elena?"

Elena, now more enthusiastic, nodded, "Yeah, Julie promised to let me pick the next game."

Y/N, satisfied that her sister would be in good hands, turned to Julie. "Thanks for this, Julie. I appreciate it."

Walking Y/N to the door, Julie offered words of encouragement. "You're going to do great. Just be yourself, and enjoy the date. We've got everything covered here."

As Julie opened the door, Y/N looked back at Elena on the couch. "I'll see you later, Seastar. Be good for Julie."

Elena, with a cheeky grin, shouted from the couch, "Good luck on your date, Y/N! Bring back a celebrity autograph!"

With a final wave, Y/N stepped out of her apartment, closing the door behind her. The countdown to the coffee date with Rachel Zegler had officially begun, and as she walked toward the elevator, a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation accompanied her every step.

As Y/N stepped into her car, the realization hit her like a tidal wave – she couldn't go to pick up Rachel without a small gift. In a moment of frenzy, Y/N decided that flowers would be a perfect gesture. She knew it was a classic choice, but the simplicity and charm of flowers felt just right for a coffee date.

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