It girl softside - PT4

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As Rachel and Meave approached their lockers, the bustling high school hallway seemed to pause for a moment, the tension thickening. Jackson, always on the lookout for an opportunity to harass Meave, saw this as his chance.

With a devious grin, Jackson approached, holding a chocolate smoothie in his hand. Just as Meave opened her locker, he deliberately spilled the smoothie, creating a sticky, brown mess that splattered onto her clothes.

"Oops, my bad. Maybe you should watch where you're going, loser," Jackson sneered, his tone filled with malicious intent.

Rachel's eyes flared with anger, and her patience snapped. She turned sharply to face Jackson, her mean-girl persona resurfacing in an instant. "You think you're clever, Jackson? You're just a pathetic excuse for a bully," she spat, her words laced with venom.

Meave, wiping the smoothie off her clothes, looked at Rachel with a mix of surprise and gratitude. This was a side of Rachel she hadn't seen in a while, and despite the circumstances, there was a strange comfort in her standing up for her.

Out of nowhere, Naomi, the enigmatic newcomer, appeared on the scene. She shot a cold glance at Jackson, her eyes narrowing. "You really think this is how you establish dominance?" Naomi's voice was sharp and assertive, catching everyone off guard.

Rachel, still fuming, didn't miss a beat. "And who asked for your opinion?" she retorted, her mean-girl defense mechanism kicking in.

Naomi, however, seemed unfazed. "I can't stand pointless drama, and this is as pointless as it gets. Clean yourself up, Meave," she said, her tone firm but not unkind.

As Meave headed to the bathroom to clean up, Rachel and Naomi exchanged a tense stare, both seemingly unyielding in their respective attitudes.

In the bathroom, Meave let out a heavy sigh, looking at her stained clothes in dismay. The sticky mess from the spilled smoothie clung to her, a stark contrast to the normalcy she tried to maintain.

Outside the bathroom door, Rachel was nearly breaking the hinges with her worried knocks. "Babygirl, are you okay in there?" she called out, her tough exterior momentarily crumbling.

Meave rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. "I'm fine, Rachel. Just need a minute to clean up."

Not long after, Naomi walked into the bathroom, her presence adding another layer to the already charged atmosphere. She offered a nod to Meave and a brief, acknowledging smile to Rachel.

Meave glanced at Naomi, then back at herself in the mirror. "Well, this is just great," she muttered, more to herself than anyone else.

Rachel's fierce facade melted away as she caught sight of Meave's distress. "Hey, princess, don't worry about it. We'll figure something out," she reassured, her voice softening into a more caring tone.

Naomi, seemingly unfazed by the drama, decided to chime in, "Accidents happen. No need to stress about it. Clothes can be replaced."

Meave shot Naomi a grateful smile, appreciating the unexpected support. It was strange – just moments ago, they were at odds, and now, they found themselves in the same bathroom, dealing with the aftermath of Jackson's juvenile antics.

As Meave began to clean herself up, Rachel couldn't resist the urge to help. "Let me help you with that," she said, grabbing some paper towels and gently wiping the chocolate smears from Meave's clothes.

Naomi, observing the scene, couldn't help but comment, "You two make an interesting team."

Rachel shot a glare in Naomi's direction, but the corners of her lips betrayed a faint smile. "Team or not, nobody messes with my girl," she asserted, her protectiveness shining through.

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