Hollywood vs basketball * PT 12*

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In the aftermath of their passionate encounter, Rachel, feeling the lingering effects of their dominant play, whispered to Y/N in a hushed tone, "It's pretty clear who I belong to, isn't it?"

Y/N, still riding the wave of possessiveness, looked into Rachel's eyes and couldn't resist the shy yet daring request. "Want to be marked, huh?" Y/N asked with a smirk, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Rachel, her cheeks flushing with a mix of anticipation and desire, nodded affirmatively. Y/N, not one to back down from a challenge, leaned in and gently pressed her lips against the sensitive skin of Rachel's neck. A soft, almost inaudible moan escaped Rachel's lips as Y/N marked her territory.

The aftermath was immediate – the place where Y/N's lips had touched Rachel's skin now bore a visible, blossoming bruise. It was a silent proclamation, a symbol of their connection, and Rachel wore it proudly, relishing in the physical reminder of their passionate encounter.

As Y/N pulled back, she admired her handiwork with a playful grin. "There you go," she said, her voice laced with a hint of satisfaction.

Rachel, still caught in the aftermath of the marking, traced her fingers over the bruise, a blissful smile playing on her lips.

As Rachel traced her fingers over the freshly marked area, a contented smile graced her lips. The room held a lingering tension, an unspoken acknowledgment of the newfound intimacy that had unfolded. Breaking the silence, Rachel looked up at Y/N with a playful glint in her eyes.

"I like being marked by you," Rachel admitted, her voice carrying a mixture of satisfaction and desire.

Y/N, still reveling in the dominance and possessiveness that had marked their encounter, reciprocated with a confident yet tender expression. "Glad to hear that," Y/N replied, the smirk on her face indicating a sense of accomplishment.

Y/N and Rachel exchanged glances, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement dancing in their eyes as they entered the kitchen. Julie, with a mischievous grin, wasted no time in teasing them mercilessly.

Elena, looking genuinely concerned, asked the question that hung in the air, "Were you hurting each other?"

Y/N, trying to play it cool, retorted with a snarky comment, "Elena, you're too young to understand."

Elena, unfazed by Y/N's remark, directed her innocent curiosity toward Rachel, "Why did you ask Y/N to mark you?"

Rachel, caught off guard by the misunderstanding, hesitated for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Oh, Elena, not with a marker. It's... well, it's something different," she explained, trying to find the right words without revealing too much.

Elena, still puzzled, nodded as if she understood but continued to look at them with a mix of innocence and curiosity. Julie, thoroughly entertained, couldn't help but join in on the teasing.

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to navigate the situation without revealing too much. She decided to choose her words carefully, "Elena, sometimes grown-ups express their feelings in a way that might seem unusual. It's a private thing between them, like a special connection."

Rachel, blushing slightly, added, "Yeah, it's just, um, a grown-up thing, you know? Like a way of showing affection."

Elena, not entirely satisfied with the vague responses, still pressed on, "But what about the bruise on your neck? Is that, like, a grown-up love mark or something?"

Y/N, realizing the need for a delicate explanation, attempted to reassure Elena, "Elena, it's a consensual thing between adults who care about each other. It's not something you need to worry about right now. Just know that it's a personal choice for them."

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