My asassin *PT3*

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Y/N closed the door with a deliberate thud, her command for Isabella and Rachel to sit leaving no room for defiance. The room, now sealed off from the outside, became an intimate theater for the unfolding drama. Y/N's appearance shifted as she shed the layers of her previous composure.

Without a care for how she looked, Y/N smiled darkly, her fingers deftly pulling her hair into a makeshift ponytail. The atmosphere grew tenser as she tossed her shirt aside, revealing a black tank top that hinted at the latent strength beneath. The room seemed to shrink around them, the shadows conspiring with Y/N to create an aura of intimidation.

As Y/N chuckled at Alex, the sound carried a mix of amusement and foreboding. "Well, well, Alex. Looks like we're about to have some fun," she remarked, her voice laced with a dark satisfaction.

Isabella and Rachel, now seated as commanded, exchanged a glance, their expressions a mirror of concern and uncertainty. Y/N, unburdened by the weight of their emotions, continued her transformation, her aura shifting into that of a force to be reckoned with.

Isabella, having witnessed Y/N's darker side in the past, maintained a steely composure, aware of the storm that was about to unfold. Her eyes held a somber acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation. On the other hand, Rachel, unacquainted with the depths of Y/N's capabilities, sat there in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief at the transformation before her.

Y/N, now fully embracing the persona of the "snake," locked eyes with Alex, her dark smile widening. "You thought you could play games, Alex. But the tables have turned," she declared, her tone sending shivers down the spines of those in the room.

Isabella, knowing the torment Y/N could unleash on a person's psyche, exchanged a worried glance with Rachel, silently communicating the severity of the situation.

Y/N's slow, deliberate steps echoed in the tense silence as she approached the kitchen. The metallic sound of a drawer being pulled open resonated, and when she emerged, she held a knife, its glint catching the dim light of the room. The air grew thicker as she began to speak, her voice weaving a chilling narrative.

"Well, well, Alex," Y/N began, her tone a cold mixture of mockery and menace. "Seems like you've been a bad boy." The knife twirled in her hand, a macabre dance that mirrored the foreboding atmosphere.

Isabella and Rachel, still seated, exchanged uneasy glances. The room seemed to close in, the weight of the impending confrontation palpable. Y/N continued her unsettling monologue, her words cutting through the air.

"And what's this, Alexandor?" Y/N's voice dripped with a dark amusement as she mentioned his full name. "I know your little secret, and secrets have a way of crawling out into the light."

The revelation hung in the air like a heavy fog, the room now an arena where the echoes of the past and the present clashed in a dance of shadows.

Y/N, undeterred by Alex's attempt to assert dominance, only smiled in response to his freezing reaction. The air in the room crackled with tension as Alex, feeling the weight of the situation, spat out in Russian, "Иди на х*й" (Get lost).

Y/N's smile widened, her understanding of the language evident. "Ah, Alexandor, you've got quite the way with words," she remarked, the dark undertones in her voice resonating with a sense of eerie satisfaction.

Isabella and Rachel, still seated, exchanged bewildered glances at the sudden shift in language. The room felt charged with an energy that bordered on the surreal, caught in a moment where the clash of personalities and the revelation of secrets added layers to an already complex narrative.

Y/N, now standing before Alex, continued to hold the knife with an unsettling calmness.

Y/N's descent to eye level was a slow, deliberate movement, each step emphasizing the danger and seduction that surrounded her. She placed both hands on either side of Alex, her gaze locked onto his, a devilish smile playing on her lips. The atmosphere in the room shifted, a dangerous energy permeating the air.

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