Goddess with feelings *PT3*

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With the immediate threat quelled, the trio decided to get back into the car. The vehicle, a temporary sanctuary from the divine clashes and ominous prophecies, offered a moment of respite.

Y/N, still processing the surreal events, slid into the driver's seat. Matthew took his place in the back, eyeing Anne with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

Anne, settling into the passenger seat, glanced at Y/N and offered a gentle smile. "Thanks for sticking by me back there. Not many would face a creature like Stheno head-on."

Y/N, her hands gripping the steering wheel, replied with a nervous chuckle, "Well, it's not every day you find out your friend is a goddess. But, hey, I guess we make a good team."

Matthew, chiming in from the back, teased, "So, are you adding 'goddess bodyguard' to your resume, Y/N?"

Y/N shot a playful glare at her brother. "Very funny, Matt. Let's just get back home and try to make sense of all this."

As the car pulled away from the scene of the divine confrontation, the road ahead stretched into uncertainty.

The car continued its journey towards New York, the engine humming with the rhythm of the road. As the miles passed, a moment of post-battle tension gave way to a more lighthearted atmosphere inside the car.

Unable to contain her thoughts, Y/N turned to Anne with wide-eyed enthusiasm, "Anne, seriously, your armor was like something out of a movie! It was so cool, and you... you looked pretty hot in it." Y/N's face flushed immediately after the words slipped out.

Anne, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment, felt a warmth spreading across her cheeks. She stammered, "Uh, thank you, Y/N. I appreciate that." Her hazel eyes sparkled with a mix of flattery and embarrassment.

Matthew, grinning mischievously from the back seat, couldn't resist teasing his sister, "Looks like someone has a goddess crush. Should I start calling you 'Y/N, the mortal with a divine crush'?"

Y/N shot a glare at her brother, trying to play it cool, "Oh, come on, Matt. It was just a compliment. Anne's armor was genuinely awesome, that's all."

Matthew, raising an eyebrow playfully, continued, "Sure, Y/N. We all saw the blush. Who knew getting saved by a goddess could be so flattering?"

Anne, now chuckling at the sibling banter, interjected, "Well, it's not every day someone gets a compliment on their divine fashion sense. I appreciate it, Y/N."

The car rolled along the highway, the hum of the engine creating a steady backdrop to the conversation inside. As the trio settled into a more relaxed atmosphere, Anne's hazel eyes couldn't help but linger on the athletic form of Y/N. There was a subtle grace in the way she handled the steering wheel, a confident ease that caught Anne's attention.

Observing the details around Y/N's neck, Anne's gaze fell upon a delicate necklace adorned with two metal dog tags. The sight sparked her curiosity, prompting her to ask, "Y/N, what's the story behind those dog tags?"

Y/N, momentarily surprised by the question, traced her fingers over the metal tags as a nostalgic smile played on her lips. "Oh, these? They're from my dad," she began, the words carrying a hint of warmth. "Matthew has the ones from our mom."

Matthew, from the back seat, chimed in, "Yeah, our parents were in the military. Dad served in the Army, and Mom was in the Air Force."

Anne, intrigued by the revelation, leaned back in her seat. "Military family, huh? That must have been quite an experience."

Y/N nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and nostalgia. "It was. Dad always said these dog tags were a symbol of resilience and unity. He gave them to us before his deployment, and we've kept them close ever since."

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