petite love

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Rachel Zegler was many things: talented, charismatic, and undeniably petite. Her girlfriend, Y/N, however, was something else entirely. Towering over Rachel by a couple of heads, Y/N was a gentle giant, a contrast to Rachel's vivacious energy. But amidst their differences, they found a unique harmony in their relationship.

One sunny afternoon, Rachel found herself in the kitchen, on a mission to retrieve a bag of flour from the top shelf of the pantry. She stood on tiptoes, stretching her arms as far as they could go, but the elusive bag remained out of reach.

"Y/N!" Rachel called out, her voice tinged with frustration. "Can you please come help me? I can't reach the flour again!"

Y/N chuckled from the living room, where she was engrossed in a book. "Sure thing, shorty. Just give me a sec."

Rachel huffed, crossing her arms as she waited impatiently. Finally, Y/N sauntered into the kitchen, grinning mischievously at Rachel's exasperated expression.

"Having trouble, love?" Y/N teased, leaning against the doorway.

Rachel shot her a playful glare. "Very funny. Now, could you please grab that bag of flour for me?"

Y/N stepped forward, effortlessly reaching up to pluck the bag from the shelf. She held it just out of Rachel's reach, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Here you go, little one," Y/N said, dangling the bag tantalizingly. "But first, you have to admit that you need me."

Rachel rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "Fine, fine. I need you, okay? Now, give me the flour before I start throwing things at you."

With a laugh, Y/N handed over the bag, pulling Rachel into a warm embrace. Despite their height difference, they fit together perfectly, each finding solace in the other's arms.

As they cuddled in the kitchen, Y/N couldn't help but marvel at Rachel's small stature. She loved how she could easily wrap her arms around her, feeling like she was protecting something precious.

"Hey, Rach?" Y/N murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Rachel's forehead.

"Yeah?" Rachel replied, looking up at Y/N with a fond smile.

"I love how small you are," Y/N confessed, brushing a lock of hair away from Rachel's face. "It makes me feel like I'm your knight in shining armor, here to rescue you from tall shelves and any other perils."

Rachel giggled, burying her face in Y/N's chest. "You're such a dork, but I love you."

Y/N grinned, holding Rachel close. "I love you too, shorty."

The following week, amidst the laughter and shared moments, an argument brewed between Y/N and Rachel. It started innocently enough, with playful banter over who would do the dishes, but soon escalated into a heated exchange.

"You know, Rachel," Y/N teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "if you were just a few inches taller, maybe you wouldn't need me to rescue you from every high shelf in the house."

Rachel's laughter faltered, a hint of annoyance creeping into her voice. "Ha-ha, very funny, Y/N. You know I can't help my height."

Y/N's grin widened, enjoying Rachel's reaction. "Hey, I'm just stating the obvious, short stuff."

Rachel crossed her arms, trying to hide her growing irritation behind a smile. "Okay, okay, let's drop it. I get it, I'm vertically challenged. Can we move on now?"

Y/N's expression softened as she realized she might have pushed Rachel too far. "Sorry, babe, I was just joking. You know I love every inch of you, even if there aren't many."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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