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Sasuke's Pov

Its already 6...I better hurry if I wanna make it home in time to see Naru.

I was walking home from work. Naruto made me walk today because he said it was nice out and stole my keys. Oh well. It was beginning to dark, the evening shadows just starting to grow.


What was that....?

I turned around. Nothing.

Am I going crazy?

I turned back around and continued walking home.


I know I'm not hallucinating. I knew someone was following me.

What do they want?

I continued walking, but was completely aware someone was following me. I heard footsteps. I stopped.

"What do you want."

I stated out loud without turning.

They're close.


A creepy and drop voice chuckled from behind.

"Oh Sasuuu....."

I turned around quickly.

What do they want!?


3rd Person Pov

Sasuke turned quickly, trying to find the source of the mysterious creeper.


Out of nowhere, someone pulled Sasuke into a nearby alley.

Oh god no. Sasuke immediately thought.

He had to admit, he was a bit frightened , but didn't show it.

"Ah!" he shouted as his back made harsh contact with the wall.

Owwwww.... Sasuke thought as he slid down the wall. His back ached. Suddenly 5 bodies appeared out of the shadows. The middle one didn't surprise Sasuke.

Damn Sai.....what does he want!?

"Sai...." Sasuke growled as he stood up.

Sai smirked.

"Sasuke....." Sai said.

"What the hell do you want!?!"

Sai looked at Sasuke then started laughing.

What's so funny..?

"Oh - that's good..." Sai said as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"Now then....let's get started. " Sai walked up to Sasuke as the others started to come closer as well. Sasuke glared at them. All at once, they attacked Sasuke. He kicked a few, and punched...but it wasn't enough.

Damn it...

He was on the ground, curled into a ball. They were kicking at him. Sakura came out of nowhere and started kicking too. She kicked him brutally in the chest, making him gasp for air.

"That was for making a fool out of Sai!"

When did that damn brat get here....?

Sasuke's vision started to get blurry.

C'mon Sasuke...stay awake...

But he couldn't. He felt his lids get heavy and he blacked out.

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