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Naruto's Pov

My eyes fluttered open as my alarm clock rang. I looked over at the time. 7:15. School started at 7:45! Shit! I quite literally jumped out of my orange and white striped covers. I quickly brushed my teeth and put on my uniform ( crisp white dress shirt, Black blazer, black pants. ) I looked in the mirror and shrugged. It'll do. My blond hair was as wild as ever but you can only do so much so...yeah whatever. I'm not even gonna try to style it; it has a mind of its own. *Waves hands in the air to emphasize that it has magic.* I checked the clock again. 7:40. Eh. I'll make it if I run.

As I ran to the huge black gates of Konoha High, the bell rang. Well, great. Just great. And the gates were locked. Don't worry. I have a "secret entrance" for times like these. The left most bush to the wall has a hole behind it. So I crawled to class.

Oh yeah. I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I go to Konoha HS. Well, you kinda already know that. Anyway...I'm 17. So...yeah.

3rd Person Pov

"Alright class! Get to your seats!" Kakashi sensei was our English teacher. How fun.
All the kids scrambled to get in their chairs. Except..the fan girls. Which is more than half the class. They all grabbed their chairs and scooted over to Sasuke Uchiha's desk. Uchiha ignored them.

"SASUKEEEEE I LOVE YOUU," was the only thing on more than one of those girls minds. He rolled his eyes and looked out the window. Watching the girls basically claw at the others to see who could get closer the Sasuke, Kakashi sensei didn't say anything. He knew they wouldn't move. Then Naruto bursted through the class room doors, panting. He was just beginning to sneak to his chair when..

"Naruto! You're late!"
Naruto slowly turned his head back to the teacher.
"Heh heh... Oh. Sorry. I'll try better. " Naruto rubbed the back of his head and smiled.
"Well, that's a warning. Next time is detention."

Naruto's Pov

Ugh. I sat down at my desk and looked around the classroom. Kakashi sensei was blabbering about something nobody cared about. All the girls were crowding the area around ...shockerr ... Sasuke Uchiha's desk. Gross. I hate that kid. What's so great about him? He had his head tilted to one side, his chin resting in his palm. I've had enough. I suddenly stood up. I walked to his desk and climbed onto it, squatting down so I could look into his eyes. We were nose to nose to nose.
"Move out of my way idiot."
I just scowled.
Sasuke's Pov

Why am I not surprised. That idiot Naruto Uzumaki was squatting on my desk. His blue eyes were squinted as he looked into my black ones. What a joke.

3rd Person Pov

They sat there for 10 minutes. The fan girls were shouting at Naruto. Then some idiot bumped Naruto, causing him to... "accidentally" touch lips with Sasuke.
Accidentally y'all.
Naruto and Sasuke's Pov

Are you kidding me right now. WTAF?!!!??!!

3Rd Person Pov

They both backed up quickly and wiped their mouths. Naruto was blushing a bit from embarrassment. Sasuke was just pissed.

"You idiot! What are you doing?! "
"I didn't mean to!"

Ugh. I hate him, they both thought, turning away.

They turned their heads around slightly. Sasuke caught eye contact and scowled. Naruto stuck. his tongue out.

Tch. Who does he think he is..

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