Chapter 28

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Cyclone's cloud house was a whimsical masterpiece, an ethereal creation suspended in the sky. Soft, billowy clouds formed the walls, giving the impression of a floating abode. The exterior seemed to shift and change, a playful dance of misty whites and grays. It was a sight that left Furie in awe, a manifestation of Guardian magic that transcended the boundaries of the mortal world. As they stood before the cloud house, Furie couldn't help but express her amazement. "How is this even possible?" she marveled. Leaf, with a casual smile, replied, "Guardian magic." He approached the cloud door and, much to Furie's surprise, knocked on it. The cloud felt solid under Leaf's touch, and the sound echoed like a gentle percussion in the air. From within the cloud house, a voice called out, "Come in."

Leaf pushed open the cloud door, revealing the interior. Furie and Leaf stepped inside, greeted by the serene ambiance of Cyclone's living room. The room was an otherworldly vision in shades of white, adorned with cloud-like furnishings that seemed to float effortlessly. Even the sofa, where Cyclone was seated, appeared to hover above the ground. Cyclone smiled warmly at their arrival, "Welcome! I hope the clouds treated you well."

The living room emanated a calming energy, and the subtle movement of the clouds created an illusion of constant motion. Fluffy pillows adorned the sofa, and delicate, floating tea cups awaited them on a cloud-shaped table. The overall effect was a dreamlike space that defied the laws of gravity, a testament to the magic that bound the Guardian world. Furie couldn't help but feel a sense of enchantment as she took in the surreal surroundings.

Cyclone's living room, bathed in pristine white, presented a surreal setting for their meeting. Furie, mindful of her Woodland adventures, gingerly perched on the edge of a white chair, attempting to preserve the immaculate surroundings. She was worried she was going to dirt something if she moved too abruptly. Leaf, ever the courteous host, introduced them to Cyclone. "Hello, Cyclone," Leaf greeted with a warm smile. "This is Furie, and I am Leaf. We're here to learn more about the Book of Prophecies you wrote." Cyclone acknowledged them with a serene nod. "Yes, I received your message, though I knew of your impending visit. My Guardian magic has its ways of revealing such intentions." Leaf's expression flickered with mild surprise, quickly masked by a casual cough. He continued, "We're particularly interested in the Duel prophecy. Could you shed some light on it?"

Cyclone, an enigmatic figure with an ethereal quality, gazed at Furie as if trying to decipher her innermost thoughts. The intensity of Cyclone's stare made Furie slightly uneasy, as if her very soul was being laid bare. Cyclone's speech was deliberate, marked by elongated pauses that hinted at a mind wandering through its own labyrinth. Her eerie, unsettling demeanor added an air of mystery to the conversation. "The Duel prophecy... It speaks of two Guardians, elements entwined in destiny. A cosmic contest for the throne of Queen Gaya. The outcome determines the balance of our world. One shall ascend, and the other... well, the other may face a fate beyond our understanding." Furie, captivated by the gravity of Cyclone's words, couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding in the air. The cloud-like Guardian seemed almost detached, her focus drifting in and out of the present conversation, creating an atmosphere filled with both intrigue and disquiet.

Furie's eyes widened, reflecting a mix of surprise and confusion. "What do you mean? Why do we need to contest? And who is the other one?" The prospect of another person like her, someone who could control the four elements, briefly offered a glimmer of connection and understanding. Yet, as the weight of Cyclone's words settled, Furie realized that this encounter might not lead to friendship but to a potentially formidable adversary. The warmth of that momentary connection faded, replaced by a sense of uncertainty and apprehension.

Leaf, ever the inquisitive Guardian, seized the opportunity to press Cyclone for more answers. "Do you know who the other Guardian is? Why were they chosen to control the four elements?" Cyclone fixed her gaze on Furie, and for a moment, it felt as if Cyclone could peer into the depths of her soul. The cloud-like Guardian spoke with deliberate certainty, "Siblings. The two contestants come from the same blood, but they hail from different worlds. One comes from a soft and pure realm, the other from an arch and sizzling world." Furie's heart skipped a beat. Siblings? A sister? The revelation struck her with a mixture of emotions – disbelief, shock, and a longing for answers. She stammered, "A sister? But where? Who?" The sudden revelation left her grappling with an overwhelming surge of thoughts and emotions, the idea of a sister now looming large in her mind.

Furie's mind raced, attempting to connect the dots. Could the mysterious visitor with amber eyes in the human world be her sibling? Was her sister the one she had encountered before, a connection that had eluded her until now? Leaf sensed her inner turmoil and reached out to her telepathically, offering words of reassurance and calming thoughts.

As they composed themselves, Leaf turned his attention back to Cyclone. "Do you have any idea how the other sibling looks?" he inquired. Cyclone's response left both Furie and Leaf surprised. "I did not see how Furie looked until she walked into my living room," Cyclone admitted. Therefore, Cyclone knew already that her prophecy was about Furie and someone else. This comment confirmed that Furie was part of something bigger than her little human life she had before meeting Leaf. Cyclone continued, explaining that the only knowledge she possessed was that when the two siblings were together, their combined strength was too big and overwhelming. Only one could wield these powers.

Intrigued, Furie pressed further, "Does Queen Gaya know about this Duel Prophecy?" Cyclone revealed that she had tried to convey her vision to Queen Gaya in the past, but the Queen dismissed her, refusing to believe in such prophecies. Gaya's reaction was extreme; she not only rejected Cyclone's insight but also banished her and tarnished her reputation. Furie, disheartened by the revelation, questioned the Queen's response. "Why would Gaya be so angered by a vision?" The confusion and frustration in Furie's voice were palpable as she struggled to make sense of the unfolding events.

Cyclone's sudden change in demeanor left Furie and Leaf bewildered. She abruptly stood up, her gaze fixed on a wall in the living room. Without explanation, she declared that she had shared everything necessary and that it was time for them to leave. The unexpected dismissal puzzled the two Guardians, but they chose not to question Cyclone and instead expressed their gratitude for her insights. As Furie and Leaf stood outside, Cyclone, holding tightly to the frame of her door, turned her attention to Furie. With an intensity in her gaze, Cyclone spoke words of warning, "You need to learn quickly, Furie. Troubles are coming your way. Hurry and learn how to control your strength." With that, Cyclone closed the door, leaving Furie and Leaf alone with a shared look of surprise. The enigmatic statement from Cyclone lingered in the air, adding an air of urgency and mystery to their world.

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