Chapter 50

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The morning sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink as Furie and Leaf sat in the cozy living room of Leaf's cabin. Furie, with a determined expression, took a sip from her morning coffee before addressing the matter at hand. She wanted to make some important decisions about her life and where she thought she belonged now. Furie needed to officially quit her human job and maybe sell her house.

"Furie, I've been thinking," Leaf began casually, "about your house in the human world. Instead of selling it right away, maybe you could consider renting it. That way, you'll have the flexibility to decide later on what you want to do with it." Furie nodded, appreciating the practical advice. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. It would give me some time to figure things out. I mean, I've spent my entire life in the human world, so this is a pretty big change for me." Leaf grinned, understandingly, "Change is a constant in life, Furie. But you're not alone. We'll figure it out together."

As the conversation flowed naturally, Furie then brought up the topic of her human parents. However, before she could delve into the details, Leaf interjected with a note of seriousness in his voice, "Furie, you can't tell your human parents about the Guardian world and all its secrets. It's a rule we abide by, to maintain the balance between our worlds. Human knowledge of our existence could have unforeseen consequences." Furie absorbed this new piece of information, her expression shifting to a thoughtful one. While she hadn't known about this rule, the logic behind it resonated with her understanding of the delicate harmony that existed between the two realms. The weight of responsibility settled on her shoulders as she grappled with the intricacies of her dual existence.

The journey to Furie's house in the human world was filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. As they walked through the portals, traversing the realms, Furie couldn't help but feel the weight of the conversation she was about to have with her parents. As they approached the entrance of her garden, Furie turned to Leaf with a thoughtful expression. "I appreciate your support in this, Leaf. But I don't know what to tell my parents. It's not like I've ever been good at lying."

Leaf chuckled gently, placing a reassuring hand on Furie's shoulder. "We don't have to call it lying. Think of it more like... omitting certain details. We need something that's half true, something that will explain why you might be hard to reach for a while but also leaves room for positive reassurance." Furie furrowed her brows, pondering Leaf's suggestion. "Maybe I could say I'm going on a journey, exploring the world. That way, I can assure them I'll send letters to keep them updated." Leaf nodded approvingly. "That's a good start, Furie. It gives you the freedom to move around without causing unnecessary worry. Now, let's focus on the reason you wanted to come back to the human world. You mentioned something about your origins and being adopted?"

Furie took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on her home in the distance. "Yeah, Leaf. I need to find out more about being adopted, about where I come from. It's time to clear up some uncertainties." Leaf smiled, understanding the importance of Furie's quest for answers. Together, they continued towards the entrance of Furie's house, ready to face the future tough challenges.

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