Chapter 49

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After wandering in the water land for a while, the couple went back to Leaf's nest-like house. As Furie and Leaf settled back into the cozy cabin, Leaf engaged in sending sphere messages to his friends and fellow Guardians, seeking information about the escalating situation in the Obscure world. Furie, on the other hand, reached out to her sister Blaze through message spheres. The exchange between the two sisters had initially been positive, with Blaze resonating with Furie's idea of living their lives before confronting the Duel prophecy and Queen Guaya's throne.

However, the atmosphere took a somber turn with the arrival of another fire sphere from Blaze. In her message, Blaze hinted at a more challenging situation on her end. She revealed that her father, seemingly disapproving of the sisters' communication, desired Blaze to perceive Furie solely as an adversary. The weight of familial discord cast a shadow over the otherwise hopeful prospects, leaving Furie with a mix of emotions. Furie pondered on the complexities of family ties and the barriers they posed to the sisters' budding connection.

Furie wondered if Blaze's father, who raised her, was also her dad. She hesitated for a second, before sending the question to Blaze. Furie waited a couple of minutes. No fire sphere flew to her. Perhaps Furie crossed a boundary that Blaze was not ready for.

Furie decided to move on, and joined Leaf in the kitchen. She wondered if he wanted some help with dinner. "That would be great, thanks. Can you cut some vegetables, please?" As Furie diligently chopped vegetables in the kitchen, Leaf joined her, flashing a warm smile. His hands were occupied with the culinary tasks, and he decided to engage Furie in conversation. He couldn't help but be curious about the dynamics with Blaze. "How is Blaze doing? You seem to get more than anger out of her now."

Furie, still immersed in her chopping, began sharing her concerns about Blaze. She expressed the worry that any progress made in their relationship seemed to be undermined by the influence of Blaze's father. Furie highlighted the challenges imposed by familial expectations and the interference of external forces. Leaf listened attentively, his gaze focused on Furie as he absorbed the complexities of her situation. In the midst of the cooking and conversation, Furie and Leaf found a moment of connection, a shared understanding of the difficulties they faced individually and as a duo. The aroma of the meal wafted through the air, blending with the emotional nuances of their discussion. 

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