Chapter 55

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The lively atmosphere of the party took an abrupt pause when Rain went to answer the knock at the door. Furie listened, curiosity etched on her face, as Rain engaged in a conversation with an unseen visitor. However, the tone in Rain's voice shifted, and Furie's surprise intensified when she heard him assert, "No, leave him alone. He doesn't want to see you right now."

The door was pushed open, and Furie caught glimpses of Rain running after someone attempting to force their way in. A masculine voice persisted, "I need to see him." The tension in the room escalated as Furie tried to piece together the unfolding situation. Her surprise deepened as a Fire Guardian stepped into the living room. The fire within the newcomer seemed to dance with a fierce intensity. Furie observed the Fire Guardian in detail — his fiery hair, eyes ablaze with determination, and an aura of both power and turmoil. The room held its breath as the fiery presence made itself known, casting an unexpected shadow over what had initially been a celebration.

The fiery gaze of the new Fire Guardian locked onto Ash, and with an intensity that demanded attention, he declared, "We need to talk. Why are you not answering my messages?" The room, once filled with celebration, now hung in a charged silence as the unexpected confrontation unfolded. Ash, his temper flaring, shot up from his seat and began yelling at the man, "I don't want to talk to you. Go away!" Furie, putting the pieces together, realized that the fiery intruder was likely Ash's ex-lover. The air became thick with tension as the two men engaged in a rapid exchange of heated words.

Fueled by the drinks that had been consumed during the celebration, Ash's reactions were swift and fiery. "How did you even find me, Coal? Are you crazy?" The man ignored Ash and did not answer his questions. "Why are you hanging out with all those different elemental Guardians, anyway? I told you to be careful, you are losing yourself!" Coal seemed to be against Ash's new friendship with the different Guardians in the room. Furie was so surprised by what he said and felt profoundly offended. Who did this man think he was? The argument escalated quickly, with both Guardians locked in a confrontation that mirrored the elemental intensity of their powers.

Furie, fed up with the unwelcome intrusion, positioned herself beside Ash and sternly ordered Coal to leave. "You were not invited here. Ash doesn't want to see you, so you need to leave now." Coal regarded Furie with disdain, dismissing her presence entirely. With a bitter tone, he retorted, "Whoever you are, stay out of this!" Before Furie could respond, Ash intervened, his patience worn thin. "Shut up, Coal! For once in your miserable life, listen to me and go home." Coal's fiery gaze flickered with malice as he delivered a challenging ultimatum, "It is either you talk to me or we duel." In his inebriated state, Ash impulsively accepted the challenge, "Fine! Let's duel!" The atmosphere in Rain's house shifted abruptly, from a celebration of newfound abilities to the tense anticipation of an impending clash between two Fire Guardians.

Without a moment's hesitation, Coal extended his hand, and Ash, fueled by alcohol and frustration, reciprocated the gesture. A faint flicker of magic emanated from the handshake, marking the agreement to duel. The two fire Guardians now stood facing each other, a charged tension in the air as they prepared for the impending clash.

Leaf intervened before the situation escalated further, "Wait, guys! Let's not do this in Rain's house. I don't want you to duel, but I also don't want you to destroy my friend's house." Grateful for Leaf's intervention, Rain articulated a 'thank you' to Leaf before leading everyone outside into his garden. The group watched from a distance as the two fire Guardians positioned themselves in the open garden, away from the others.

Facing each other across a stretch of lush green grass, the battleground was set for Ash and Coal to confront their differences. The rest of the group—Rain, Zephyr, Furie, and Leaf—observed with a mixture of concern and curiosity from the sidelines. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the two fire Guardians readied themselves for the impending duel.

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