Chapter 46

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Furie turned to find Sprout, Leaf's mother, standing there with a warm and understanding expression. It seemed she had come to check on them. As Furie met Sprout's gaze, a mix of gratitude and worry reflected in her eyes. The night had been long, but with Leaf sitting in his bed and looking at her, Furie couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope.

Leaf's eyes met Furie's as she awoke, and the relief in her expression was evident. The room seemed to brighten as Leaf smiled at her, his gaze filled with warmth and gratitude. Furie wasted no time in rushing to his bedside, her happiness bubbling over. She leaned in, giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "You've worried me so much! What happened to you?" Leaf's cheeks turned a slight shade of red at the affectionate gesture, and he shot a sheepish glance toward his mother, Sprout, who was still in the room. "Um... Mom, do you mind giving us ten minutes?" Sprout, amused by her son's awkwardness, grinned and nodded. "Alright, I'll go get us some coffee. I'll be right back." With that, she left the room, leaving Furie and Leaf alone.

Leaf turned his full attention to Furie, his eyes softening. "I'm sorry for making you worry. It's a long story, but I'll explain everything. Promise." He shifted slightly on his mossy bed, making room for Furie to join him. "I missed you while I was out, you know."

Furie eagerly climbed into Leaf's mossy bed, and he welcomed her with a warm embrace. The closeness comforted both of them, and Leaf began recounting the events of the previous day. His voice was gentle, and Furie's eyes were fixed on him, hanging on to every word. Leaf explained that he had gone to the human world to check on the Ancient Oak tree, wanting to ensure its protection. Upon arrival, he discovered two other Guardians already guarding the sacred tree. Furie couldn't contain her impatience and pressed him for more details.

Smiling at her enthusiasm, Leaf continued. As the trio of Guardians stood vigilant, they were unexpectedly attacked by five shadow creatures. Furie's eyes widened in shock at the number. Leaf shared her surprise, admitting that the frequency of these attacks was alarming. He pondered aloud about the creatures' persistence and their apparent desire for the essence of the Oak tree. Leaf expressed his determination to investigate the matter further. He wanted to understand the motives behind the escalating attacks and discover what was happening in the Obscure world.

Furie sat in Leaf's mossy bed, her eyes still reflecting the concern she felt for him. Leaf began explaining more about the Obscure world, a place Guardians couldn't enter but knew a little about. He shared what he knew about the shadow creatures and their relentless pursuit of relics. "Guardians can't enter the Obscure world. It is said that this world is only made of darkness," Leaf began, his expression serious. "It's a realm beyond our reach, filled with mysteries and dangers we can't comprehend. But we've learned some things about it over time." He continued, "The shadow creatures, as we call them, are native to the Obscure world. They have an insatiable appetite for the essence of relics, and they seek to extract that essence to strengthen themselves. That's why they're so interested in the Ancient Oak and its protective relics in the human world."

Furie listened attentively, absorbing the information. The gravity of the situation weighed on her as Leaf unfolded the details. She asked, "So, they want the relics' essence. But why? What do they gain from it?" Leaf sighed, "That's the part we don't fully understand. It's as if the relics hold some power or energy that benefits them. We've speculated that their world might be facing a crisis, and they believe the relics can provide a solution. But without direct access to the Obscure world, it's all conjecture." Furie frowned, her mind swirling with thoughts. The shadow creatures' motives remained a mystery, and the urgency to protect the relics grew. Leaf reached out, gently holding her hand, "We need to find a way to stop them. For the safety of both our worlds."

Furie was about to say more, but someone was entering Leaf's healing room. They were expecting to see Sprout coming in, but it was someone else. Furie guessed by her looks, that she was a water Guardian.

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