Chapter 37

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The voice echoed through the grand entrance as the trio of Guardians stopped their movements. Slowly descending the stairs toward them was a distinguished figure, a man who exuded an aura of wisdom and mastery over the water element. His presence commanded respect, and his eyes held the depth of experience. The water Guardian's long, silver-blue hair cascaded gracefully around his shoulders, and his attire reflected the calm elegance of a seasoned advisor. As he moved, water seemed to ripple around him, a subtle manifestation of his connection to the element. The man's eyes, a shade of deep blue, sparkled with a mixture of kindness and authority, revealing the maturity that came with his years.

Furie couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity in the way the water Guardian carried himself. Her curiosity grew as he approached, and she wondered how he knew her name. The man, with a gracious bow, introduced himself as Sprinkle, the water advisor to the Queen. His voice was like a soothing melody, and in that moment, it became clear that this wise Guardian was here to direct the group in the right direction.

As Sprinkle's gaze settled on Furie, there was a moment of silence, filled with unspoken acknowledgment. He seemed taken aback, as if he had expected someone else. A subtle surprise flickered in his eyes, quickly replaced by composure. Clearing his throat, he gestured toward the direction they should follow. "Come," Sprinkle said calmly. "I will show you the way to Queen Guaya." The trio of Guardians obediently followed the water advisor. As they stepped forward, the grand entrance door closed behind them with an almost ethereal grace. Leaf cast a brief glance over his shoulder, but the door remained sealed.

Up the elegant staircase they ascended, guided by Sprinkle through a maze of enchanting corridors and rooms. The architecture of the castle was a testament to both artistic finesse and magical prowess. Vines adorned the walls, flowers bloomed in midair, and gentle droplets of water seemed to dance around them. The very essence of magic lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere of wonder and reverence.

As they walked, Sprinkle took a moment to explain the protocol for meeting Queen Guaya. His voice resonated with authority as he outlined the rules: the respectful way to salute the Queen, the appropriate distance they should maintain, and the importance of avoiding any gestures that might be misconstrued as threats. He warned them about the vigilant soldiers surrounding the Queen, emphasizing the need for caution and respect.

As Sprinkle continued to explain the stringent rules and protocols for meeting Queen Guaya, a series of exchanged glances occurred between Leaf, Furie, and Rain. The weight of the rules seemed to cast a shadow on the anticipated encounter. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, Furie telepathically reached out to Leaf, expressing her concern. "I thought this would be a fun visit, but all these rules are scaring me," Furie conveyed mentally.

In response, Leaf reassured her through their telepathic connection. "Everything will be fine. I'm here with you, and nothing bad will happen to you with me close by." Furie couldn't help but smile at Leaf's attempt to comfort and protect her. His words provided a sense of reassurance, creating a small anchor of comfort amid the uncertainty of the formalities awaiting them in the presence of Queen Guaya.

As Sprinkle brought the trio to a majestic door adorned with dancing flames, everyone came to a halt. The flames seemed to be alive, swirling and flickering across the wooden surface, yet the door remained untouched by their heat, a testament to the enchantment that surrounded it. The intricate magic on the door captivated the onlookers with its mesmerizing beauty. Before they could fully absorb the magical display, the door gracefully swung open, revealing a breathtaking throne room. The room was vast, with an impressively high ceiling adorned with floating flowers, leaves, and clouds that added an ethereal touch. The atmosphere was serene, and the air seemed to hum with a subtle magic.

At the far end of the room, atop a throne made of clouds that appeared to float in midair, sat Queen Guaya. The throne was an exquisite masterpiece, blending seamlessly with the celestial surroundings. The queen herself emanated a regal aura. Her red hair cascaded like fiery waves, and her dark blue eyes gleamed with an otherworldly, watery brilliance. The queen's presence commanded attention, and the room seemed to bow in reverence to her majesty.

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