CHAPTER 1: we finally meet.

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   Obligatory beginning of story disclaimer time!! This is a story featuring Jared Leto's Joker. I know a lot of people hate his version of Joker, so if you wanna change it to Heath, you can! It's not too important to the story. Also, I haven't really seen many other DC projects aside from Suicide Squad. So, please forgive any inconsistencies to the DC universe. I more view this book as a creative project where I express my own thoughts on Joker, his crimes, etc. rather than an extension to the DC universe. Finally, this story will contain cussing and violence, and I'll add other trigger warnings if/when triggering topics come up. Anyway, that's it! Happy reading!!

You pushed through the crowded club, the limited space making you feel rather uncomfortable. You could smell everyone's sweat, feel everyone's body heat, and almost taste the various cigarettes and cigars that people were smoking as they danced. Clubs weren't necessarily a no go for you; you could party with the best of them. But, it started to get a little sketchy when there was no room to simply exist, let alone dance.

   A random man approached you, said something probably flirty, and offered you a shot. Figuring you needed it to survive this swarm of people as well as the interaction that would follow, you took it and tossed it all back. Without saying anything, you handed the glass back to the man and continued on, searching for a certain green-haired villain.

   You couldn't believe that you had actually managed to secure a meeting with the Joker. He wasn't exactly the most responsive guy on the planet; he was busy. He had lots of things to do and lots of trouble to make. Plus, your reputation was not impressive to any villain, let alone Joker. Most villains would decline wasting their time with you in a heartbeat. It seemed like a no-brainer, since, in their eyes, at least, you had little to offer.

   You had been working hard at being a criminal the past few months. You had gotten away with some heists, mugged a few folks, and even started to openly cause unnecessary damage to buildings in Gotham City, just so you could be chased by the cops and be put on the news. But, sadly, with more prominent villains running amuck in Gotham, you were the last of anyone's priorities.

   But, crime was something you were serious about. You wanted people to fear you, to start to take you serious. To view you as something other than a wannabe supervillain.

   And, to do that, you knew you had to enlist the help of someone with a bigger name. And you figured that, just for shits and giggles, you'd start with the biggest.

   You had asked some other low-level villains if anyone had any contact with Joker's goons, hoping that they would pass the message to him. Eventually, you knew someone that knew someone that did. So, you obtained one of Joker's grunts' phone numbers.

   And that phone number belonged to Frost.

   It was a wonder that he even picked up; you hadn't been expecting any response at all. And, surprisingly, he recognized your name from the limited number of reports on you. You made your case, and promised him that you'd be of great service to Joker, as long as he let you piggyback off his name for a while to get you some more clout.

   Frost, though unconvinced that Joker would agree, promised that he would pitch the idea to him.

   A few weeks had gone by when Frost finally got back to you, saying that Joker had not fully agreed to the deal, but agreed to meet with you and discuss it further.

   Overjoyed, you took that as a win, and arrived where you were told and when you were told to.

   That's what brought you here, pushing through the crowd at Joker's club. The more you searched for him, the more anxious you became. Joker wasn't exactly known as being the sanest person, so you were worried that one wrong word would result in a bullet between the eyes. But, you didn't want to appear weak, especially since if all went well, you'd be joining his crew. He wouldn't want someone who was soft and pitiful. You held your head up high and began to breathe deeply, a futile attempt at calming yourself down as you kept looking.

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