Chapter Twenty-Six: The Last Supper

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The studio air was electrified, buzzing with a sudden surge of murmurs. The audience was alive with whispering and startled exchanges. Snow's gaze sliced through the noise, fixing intently on Hazel. In that moment, Hazel felt as though the ground beneath her shifted. His face remained still but his eyes sparkled with a flicker of amusement. She felt exposed, like a character in a play she never auditioned for. It was only when Snow's eyebrow arched elegantly that she realized she had been staring. Hazel tore her eyes away from him.

Lucky seemed to revel in the drama unfolding before him, his face alight with an almost predatory glee.

"Well, there you have it, folks!" his voice boomed through the studio. His smile stretched wide as he turned back to Hazel and Silus. "I do pride myself on my predictions! This is shaping up to be one of the most exciting games yet." He gestured for them to stand, signaling the end of their interview. Hazel folded the silk fabric handkerchief in her hand, tucking in away in a small pocket within her skirt. Silus's hand touched her elbow, his grip was steady, but beneath the calm exterior, Hazel could feel the undercurrent of tension in his hand.

Silus and Hazel stood together, and she slipped her hand into the crook of Silus's arm. As they made their way offstage, Mia and Aaron from District 10 were being ushered out to replace them. Their eyes briefly met Hazel's, carrying a flicker of curiosity. Silus managed a strained smile towards them.

Their retreat to the waiting room felt like an escape from a spotlight too bright, too intrusive. Upon entering, the room felt charged with the silent assessments of the other tributes. Their gazes were a patchwork of confusion, envy, speculation. Hazel exhaled deeply; she was acutely aware of the warmth spreading across her cheeks.

"Excellent job, team," Festus declared as Hazel and Silus approached. "The sponsor money is insane. Our funding is climbing by the minute."

Indira's gaze softened upon meeting Hazel's eyes. She reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Hazel's good shoulder, "Well done, dear."

"Is anyone going to explain what's going on?" Silus demanded, his gaze flickering between Hazel, Festus, and Indira. "What the hell was all that about?"

A moment of silence hung in the air before Hazel spoke first, "It seems you're not the only one who's noticed Snow's actions."

"Silus," Indira said, meeting his gaze, "We are using the Capitol's rumors to our advantage. Lucky wasn't kidding when he said that there's talk in the Capitol about a secret connection between Hazel and Snow.  And after that interview, it's not so secret anymore."

Silus's frustration was evident. His voice rose slightly, "I noticed something off, but I didn't think we'd actually play into Snow's hand. So, what now? Are we positioning Hazel as some kind of prize for Snow?"

Indira responded, "This isn't about turning Hazel into anyone's conquest. It's about survival, about using the Capitol's own game to our advantage. We're not confirming anything; we're just not denying their speculations. It keeps the sponsors interested, and that could be crucial for Hazel and your survival in the games."

"This is ridiculous," Silus countered, disbelief etching his features. He turned to Hazel, "And you're really okay with this charade?"

Hazel's eyes dropped, "Not exactly," her voice a soft, "But the reasons they've given for going along... it's hard to argue against it."

"And why wasn't I part of this decision-making?"

Festus, his hand resting lightly on Silus's shoulder, offered a measured response. "We excluded you because we're aware of how protective you are. We didn't want your personal concerns to interfere with our strategy."

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