Chapter Thirty-Four: Bloom of Darkness

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As Ethan faced them again, his eyes were devoid of any of the grief or sorrow Hazel was expecting. "I've got a surprise for you," he announced.

Reaching the spot he was looking for, Ethan paused and offered up a short, melodic whistle, a simple tune that pierced the quiet of the forest and seemed to linger in the air. The woods held their breath for a moment before a response came—a softer echo of Ethan's call, floating down from the treetops.

Hazel's heart leapt as she craned her neck upwards, following the sound to its source. High above, nestled between the branches of towering redwoods, maples and pines, Ruby perched with the agility of a bird. Small and wiry, she seemed almost a part of the forest itself, her short, warm brown hair tousled by the wind, blending with the natural hues around her. Relief surged through Hazel as she stared into the girl's sparkling grey eyes. Despite her binds, Ruby descended gracefully from the trees, skillfully navigating her way to the ground near them.

Ethan's grin spread wide across his face as he caught Ruby's gaze. "Brought you a little something, Rubes," he said warmly. His smile remained as he turned to Hazel. "This is why I wanted to get that cuff key."

Hazel wasted no time in approaching Ruby, enveloping her in a tight hug before turning to Ethan.

"I didn't want to say anything back there, but..." Hazel reached into her pocket, "I've got a surprise of my own."

Ethan craned his neck to get a better look. "No way," he breathed out, disbelief and hope mingling in his voice.

"Way," Hazel confirmed, holding out her palm that held the silvery metal handcuff key. Without hesitation, she inserted it into the hole of Ruby's handcuffs, unlocking them with a soft click.

Ruby's reaction was immediate; a joyous exclamation escaped her as the metal constraints fell away. She rubbed her wrists, relief brimming in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick, before pulling Hazel into a heartfelt hug. Her little body was all bones and skin, as if she had spent many days without food.

Hazel's shoulders slumped. "You don't need to thank me," she whispered, easing Ruby back to arm's length, her hands resting gently on the younger girl's shoulders. Looking into Ruby's large eyes, "It's my fault Commander Drayton left them on you in the first place," she admitted softly, her voice tinged with regret. "If I had been better about watching my mouth..."

Ruby, however, was quick to dismiss Hazel's self-blame. "No, that man... he's evil," she countered, her youthful face set in a determined frown.

Silus nodded in agreement, a dark look crossing his features, "She's right. He probably would have done it anyway."

"What I wouldn't give to have that man alone in a room," Ethan clenched his fists, the muscles in his jaw working. "Just five minutes with Drayton," he growled under his breath.

As the first traces of the setting sun painted the sky with vibrant hues, Aaron spoke up. "We probably need to find a place to rest for the night."

Mia nodded in agreement, her body still trembling as sweat collected on her brow. "I definitely need a break."

The forest within the tract's boundaries embraced them completely as they progressed. The immense redwoods soared heavenward, their broad trunks standing firm and unyielding. Amid these giants, clusters of pines and a variety of other trees interspersed, contributing layers of texture and color to the verdant landscape. Ethan led with purpose, navigating the terrain with ease. Their path, marked by a challenging incline, snaked through dense underbrush and maneuvered around the substantial bases of the trees.

Finally, they crested the hill, arriving at the tract's highest vantage point. From here, the forest unfolded before them in all its intricate detail. The canopy, a mosaic of greens and browns, spread out as far as the eye could see, offering a clear view for miles in every direction.

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